Chapter 8

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Alekai's POV

I knew she wasn't going to accept my proposal.

I hadn't seen her throughout today.

She wasn't at Biology or even lunch.

I'd really been anxious to see her.

I wanted to know my answer.

The suspense could drive a guy crazy.

I was changing in the boy's locker room when Harp stormed in.

"I'm going to kill that bitch." He snarled.

"What's up Harper." Another boy yelled teasingly.

"I'm going to kill Kaylee." He yelled.

All my hackles stood at the mention of her name.

The guys asked him to explain why he was out for her blood and I listened.

More interested than I wanted to be.

"Okay well a friend of mine asked her out in Geography class today and she said no, then I needed to revenge so I did a little tampering with her bike during History class. Then during lunch she trashed my fucking car."

Let me be honest, I didn't really hear what he said.

I was too busy fuming that his friend had asked her out.


I thought Harp dated her in the tenth grade, he is usually boasting about how he can't let any of his friends take his exes.

Then why was Kaylee an exception.

I need to check up on her.

I stood up to leave.

"I'm gonna kill the fucking slut.." I heard him yelling.

I couldn't just be quiet.

"You know Harp if you hate her so much why don't you get over your honestly quite unhealthy obsession with her and try actually scoring a goal in the next match. Okay?"

I walked out to find her once I'd said my piece.

I needed to get my answer once and for all.

I searched everywhere in the school for her before something Harp had said replayed in my head.

I went outside to her favourite parking spot in the whole school.

She was there.

Her bike which was her pride and joy ever since she got it on her thirteenth birthday was in pieces.

I mean, how did they destroy it this badly?

Drive it off a freaking cliff?

She was seating beside the ruins, her head bowed and I could hear her sniffling.

She really loved that machine.

Why would they do that?

How was this supposed to make her like him more?

Harp and his buddies are screwed in the head honestly.

"Kaylee are you okay?" I asked softly begging in my heart she wouldn't ignore me.

She raised her head and nodded.

Her eyes where bloody red and her face was pale but she hadn't been crying.

"I'm fine Alekai.  I just don't know why your guys can't leave me alone." She said, sounding quite annoyed.

I raised my eyebrow quite amused.

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