Chapter 3

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Kaylee's POV

School today seemed to move faster than normal.

Before I knew what was happening, I was changing into my gym wear for practice.

More like tryouts.

Today was the day to choose a team captain.

Annie and I had been nominated but we where to pick five girls from the team and do a routine.

The others would judge.

I wanted this so much, but I wouldn't be so angry if I didn't get it though.

Life moves on.

"You ready?" Chelsea asked as I pulled my hair into a bun.

I gave a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah I am."

Everyone had been talking about Alekai's party the day before.

I really wished he had invited me.

I did enjoy helping Tyrell out though.

His sisters, Ruby and Sapphire may just be the cutest and most troublesome four year olds ever.

I think he and Chelsea have something, even though he's friendly with many girls, I just feel he likes her more than friends.

Chelsea needs someone though.

That's the only way she can finally get over the crazy idea she has.

She thinks she can't date because she is bad luck to boys.

I keep telling her she is wrong but she doesn't want to even listen to me.

I have to let her be.

She'll eventually get over it.

I headed out to the cheerleading captain tryouts and saw that the football team was also practicing on their side of the field.

Our coach,  Ms. Tera was waiting for us.

I looked at my team of five girls.

Chelsea, of course, Gemma and Alex, those two where pretty good stunts girls.

Then Alice and Rhea,  two promising grade ten girls.

I'd choreographed the routine and if everything went well, I'd be proud, no matter the outcome.

Annie's team went first.

They where really good.

Tension started to creep in and my head began to pound.

This blasted headache.

I'd left my aspirin in my gym bag and there just wasn't enough time to go back and get some.

I'd have to just go through with it.

It wouldn't kill me.

Annie's presentation finished and I clapped loudly to show good sportsmanship.

And also because it was really an amazing presentation.

Ms. Tera smiled at me and nodded to show she supported my actions.

"Okay Kaylee, you're next."

I stood up and my team followed me.

I waited as we all took our positions,  then I gave a slight nod to Zara, the girl that we had been asked to give our music to.

As the song started playing, my brain was beating in response.

Ignoring the pain, I forced my body to move.

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