Chapter 2

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Kaylee's POV

I finished my painting as soon as the bell rang.

It was a picture of a boy and a girl.

The girl was seating down by the banks of a river while the boy was waist deep in it.

I'd been working on it for two weeks now.

The art teacher, Ms Marie walked in and smiled at me.

"Busy as ever Kay. I can see you've finished your painting."

I nodded, wiping my hands neatly.

"Can I leave it here to dry. I'll take it tomorrow. Please?"

She gave a small laugh and nodded at me.

"This studio is yours more than mine or even the school's. " She teased.

I laughed and she handed me a clean towel to dry my hands.

I headed over to pick up my bag and went over to my motor bike.

I got a text from Chelsea just then.

I got a ride home with Tyrell. You're baby sitting his little sisters tonight 😉😘. Ride your death mobile by yourself.

I laughed and shook my head.

I mounted my bike and revved out of the school.

The wind flowed through my braids and calmed my growing headache.

My head was hurting.

That wasn't a big deal though.

I always had headaches everyday, since I was seven.

I figured it meant I was tired.

However there where some days that they where extremely bad.

I pulled up in my house and parked my bike in the garage.

Taking off my helmet I walked in and kicked off my shoes.

My golden retriever, Moon, came and licked my feet.

"Hey girl. How are you." I bent down to pay her head.

"Kaylee darling." My mum came out and kissed me.

My mum owns a restaurant because she loves cooking and experimenting with food.

Its called Kay's cuisine.

It's a pretty place and everyone can come, rich or poor alike.

I got my hair from her, rich black, thick and full.

Our eyes however are different. While mine are honey brown, hers are hazel.

"How was school?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"The same. Alekai still hates me and I finshed my painting. Nothing changed."

Mum gave me an encouraging smile.

"Don't you think it's time you gave up? I mean, Kai was your best friend but that was in the past. You're still stuck in your past Kay, and that's harmful."

"I loved Kai and he left me mum. He didn't tell me why. That's all I want to know. Why? You know how that feels. Don't you mum."

She nodded and kissed my head.

I knew she understood.

Dad did the same to her.

I left to my room and changed from my uniform.

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