Introducing Lovesick Yeo

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At the Fansign:

Yeosang was fiddling with his hands while Wooyoung was grabbing his shoulders and pulling him close for a photo. "Yeosang-ah, what's up? Looking pretty down today." Wooyoung whispered into Yeosang's ear. "Nothing, just tired I guess". Yeosang was slowly zoning out, then suddenly he was broken from his trance by Wooyoung and Jongho high-fiving each other and laughing hysterically. Yeosang turned to Wooyoung with a confused face, while Wooyoung just high-fived him too. Whatever, Yeosang thought, continuing to slump down in his chair, about to zone out again. "HYUNG! YEOSANG HYUNG?" Came a loud and sharp call, "zzzz— Yes?! Who called m-me? I'm Yeosang yes that's me!" Yeosang woke up startled. "Hyung, the Fansign is over, why are you still here? Did you doze off?" Jongho asked sweetly. "I-i yeah I guess I did." Yeosang sighed, standing up slowly. He walked past Jongho, leaving the younger behind with a weird expression.

Truth is, Yeosang really really, (and I mean really) likes Jongho. He was very good at hiding his feelings and he tried to ignore the pit in his stomach, when he saw Jongho happily talking to Wooyoung while Yeosang was still in between them, Jongho barely even looking in Yeosang's direction. Oh, maybe that's why he felt so drowsy and down today. Yeosang sighed and closed his eyes while he lay in his lower bunk, Wooyoung already snoring on the top bunk.

Yeosang put his blanket over his head, and softly whispered:

"Choi Jongho, why can't you just look at me for once?"

Can't you just pay attention to me? (Jongsang)Where stories live. Discover now