So, be my boyfriend?

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Jongho was having panic attacks.
He didn't know why he was so nervous because he was about to ask Yeosang to be his boyfriend, which took him a lot of courage and braveness and courage and braveness. But he was still nervous.

Yeosang was having a ride back to the dorms, since he had to go for a photo shoot. He was greeted by a giddy and very nervous Jongho at the door, getting almost squashed by Jongho's huge bear hug and a huge smile. Yeosang didn't really notice how Jongho was already silently peeing his pants, because he was so tired so he went upstairs to his room and decided to take a shower.

After about 30 minutes, Yeosang came out, looking very content and happy, his mouth curled into a small smile. Jongho nearly melted at the sight, he rushed immediately to Yeosang, with a bowl of chicken in his hand, "Hyung! Hey! You look so good, here have some chicken!" Jongho smiled at Yeosang brightly. Yeosang blushed at him and also thanked him for being so thoughtful.

The two sat in Yeosang's room, eating quietly.
After they finished, Yeosang was about to wish Jongho a good night when Jongho stopped him, closing the door quickly, and holding Yeosang close to him, "H-hyung, I need to tell you something, but you promise me to keep quiet." Jongho whispered, looking more nervous than ever. "S-s-sure." Yeosang stammered, blushing at how close they are. "I-i uh..... will you be my boyfriend." Jongho whispered so soft that only Yeosang could hear it. Yeosang stopped moving, his brain couldn't function properly, he couldn't even believe that Jongho, the love of his life, the best singer, the cutest maknae and the strongest friend, likes him back and even asks him to be his boyfriend. Guess life isn't so bad after all, "Yeosang hyung?" Jongho looked concerned, as if Yeosang was about to reject him. "H-huh? Yes I mean, sure of course definitely 100%." Yeosang smiled and looked at Jongho.
Jongho had the happiest smile he had ever had in his entire life (he was sure of), he was extremely excited and happy that not only he didn't get rejected but, he could date the crush he had crushed on for a long time.

Yeosang grinned, "Sooo, kiss me or what?" Jongho didn't need to be told twice.
So the rest of the night was just spent with Jongsang kissing and cuddling, which was so soft and cute.
Yeosang was happy in Jongho's arms, and Jongho was more than happy to be in Yeosang's arms.

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