You're cute

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Jongho was waiting patiently for Yeosang in his room. It was 9.
He heard a small knock on his door, so he happily opened it, seeing a shy Yeosang with his pajamas and a few blankets. "I-i was thinking we could uhm, cuddle? It's okay if you don't want to." Yeosang stammered blushing profusely. "Of course we can hyung." Jongho smiled warmly and welcomed Yeosang in. They climbed into Jongho's bed and Yeosang made himself comfortable with his blankets that he bought with him. "Come here hyung." Jongho grabbed Yeosang and pulled him more closer to him. "Should we also watch some Netflix?" Yeosang looked up at Jongho. "Sure."
For the next two hours or so, they just binged a whole lot of different shows, but was rather content because they were both cuddling each other. Eventually they both fell asleep while hugging each other.

The next morning, Yeosang woke up to grab his blanket because he felt cold and he saw Jongho next to him, arms around his waist and snoring lightly. Yeosang smiled and cuddled him closer, "H-hyung...." Jongho murmured sleep talking, "yeah?" "I want a kiss." Yeosang blushed so hard, his whole body was heated. "N-nooo Jjong. It's only the morning, we can kiss l-later." Yeosang hugged Jongho more tightly. "Nooo, hyung. I really want a kiss." Jongho whined softly, making Yeosang chuckle. "Aish, no Jjong. I'll give you a peck, how about that?" Yeosang looked at Jongho. "Nooo I don't want a peck, I want a kiss~." Jongho groaned. "Hyung please I want— Jongho was cut off by Yeosang kissing him, full on lips. It wasn't rough and needy like yesterday's kiss, but rather a pleasant and tender encounter this time. "Mhm ~chu~ hyung I- ~chu~ what are you- ~chu~" Yeosang interrupted Jongho, not letting him speak, and he kept sliding his mouth against Jongho's, slowly Jongho reciprocated, he had woken up to find Yeosang kissing him, which was, indeed a surprise, Jongho's face heated up as he kissed back harder. "Jjong— Yeosang started, but instead, his arms had gotten pinned to the bed without him realizing. "Jjong what are you— Jongho kissed Yeosang, making the kiss more needy again, his hands occasionally sliding up Yeosang's pajama shirt, making Yeosang shiver at the touch. After quite a long time, Jongho parted from Yeosang's lips, pecking them as he smiled. "Good morning Yeosanggie hyung." Jongho giggled causing Yeosang to giggle as well, "Morning Jjong."

They had a free day today, which meant that they could relax and enjoy their time together.
Seonghwa had made ramen for breakfast, so everyone headed downstairs to eat.
After breakfast, Yeosang decided to go and relax in his bed, as he felt a bit tired due to all the stress he was going through. He felt so glad it was a day off. Jongho saw Yeosang walking into his room and decided to follow him, just as Yeosang walked into the room, Jongho softly walked in and back hugged him, snuggling his face into Yeosang's neck. Yeosang smiled, "Jongho?" "Yes that's me." Jongho murmured softly.
The two decided to spend the rest of the day together, just cuddling as they were both tired and deserved their break.

                                                                                *time skip*

Yeosang went out to get some fried chicken takeaway for him and Jongho since they didn't really eat much since they cuddled the whole day while the others went for a day out, in a carnival.
Jongho was still asleep when Yeosang came back, Yeosang smiled, he hadn't seen the younger so cute and cuddly up close before and that made him giggle a bit, which stirred Jongho. Slowly Yeosang squeezed himself next to Jongho, back hugging him softly.
"Hyung~" Jongho murmured smiling softly, "Let's eat Jongho-ah" Yeosang smiled back. "We haven't ate in a few hours already.
So they both seated themselves upright and Yeosang passed over the huge bucket of fried chicken, still warm and crispy.
They ate in silence, which was comfortable actually, and finished the bucket in no time.
They slid back into bed and cuddled until the next morning.

Can't you just pay attention to me? (Jongsang)Where stories live. Discover now