Is that Seonghwa Hyung and Hongjoong Hyung?

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Ateez had a pre-recorded interview today in LA. Everything was going fine, even the interviewee was very humorous which lightened up the tiredness of the members.
After their interview, they went back to their hotel, Yunho and San decided to do a Vlive for ATINY, so they changed into some comfy clothes and both went into San's room.
Mingi was very tired and his back was hurting him a lot, so he decided to take a nap. Wooyoung wasn't really into the mode of doing anything, so he decided to play games on his phone, he plopped himself on his bed and chilled.
But Jongsang on the other hand, had plans. They were deciding to have a small hang out, since they had a bit of free time.

"Jongho-ah, let's order some pizza, you fine with that?" Yeosang seated himself onto his bed, holding the phone preparing to dial room service. "Sure Yeosanggie hyung anything you want." Jongho smiled at Yeosang brightly just happy to spend more time with his favorite hyung (and boyfriend). Minutes later, their pizza was at the door, and Yeosang quickly stood up and went to go get it.
"Thank you." Jongho heard Yeosang say happily, as Yeosang brought their pizza, they sat down and prepared to eat.
If you didn't know, Jongsang's ideal hang outs would often be in their rooms, which are comfy and relaxing. They love to eat together and binge Netflix movies (but what they actually do, is just stare into each other's eyes until one of them falls asleep, then they cuddle ;) ) .

The next morning, everyone woke up early to prepare for the Music Bank recording.
Jongho went to get his makeup done, while the rest of the members were sitting eating lunch and chatting happily.
Yeosang noticed that Seonghwa and Hongjoong weren't really there. He felt confused, so he decided to look for them.
He decided to tag Jongho along too, just to be with him.

"Where do you think they wen- Yeosang got cut off by hearing someone say: "Listen here, I like you okay. Nothing is going to change between us if you don't feel the same, and dont tell anyone that I confessed to you." "I-i I like you too!"
Yeosang became flustered after hearing the short and sweet confession, but then suddenly realized, it was Seonghwa and Hongjoong! "Yeo hyung, is that Seonghwa hyung and Hongjoong hyung?" Jongho whispered softly, "I think it is." Yeosang whispered back. "Holy cow, they love each other." Jongho giggled, "Lets pretend that we didn't see that and just call them." Yeosang murmured. "Okay."

"Hyung! Seonghwa hyung! Hongjoong hyung!" Jongho called, Yeosang right behind him.
Hongjoong looked so flustered and Seonghwa looked embarrassed because what Jongsang saw, was Seonghwa literally pinning Hongjoong against the wall. "U-uhm hello Jongho, Yeosang." Seonghwa awkwardly responded back. "We were worried about you guys since you weren't at lunch." Yeosang said smirking. "I-uh we weren't hungry, so we came out for a stroll haha." Hongjoong nervously looked down. "Oh, is that so? Then why is Seonghwa hyung pinning you against the wall?" Jongho teased, "There was a small bug that was by Hongjoong's head, so I caught it." Seonghwa replied calmly. "Whatever you say hyung, let's get back inside." Yeosang smirking wider now, Jongho giggling along, making Seongjoong blush profusely.

"WHAT?! YOU SAW WHAT?" Wooyoung screeched.

Notes: Hey readers ;))! It's A/n 💖💖, sorry for the wait, I have being very busy with other things unfortunately.
But like I said, this book will be ongoing and updated. So stay tuned! Sorry if this chapter was stupid and irrelevant ;(
Do give me some suggestions!
As always, thank you for reading, appreciated.

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