Quick little update

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Heyyy guyssss!

I'm so so sorry if I couldn't reply or your comments or messages, my email apparently isn't working and I'm trying to fix it, so in the mean time, I can only apologize and I can't reply to you guys!
Also, I'd like to thank you guys, so so SO much for reading this book that I'm currently working on! I didn't know that my stupid writing would gain so much attention.
I love you all and thank you all so much for understanding!
I am going to keep updating this story, and if you have any suggestions for chapters, PLEASE comment

Edit: YESSSS I'll make Seongjoong chapters ofcccc 💖💖 I'll post one of my drafts of Seongjoong that I've being working on for a long time, enjoy reader-nimmmm 🥳🥳🥳

Thank you all once again so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.
Love youuuu

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