Birthday Heartache

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Yeosang almost had enough now, he couldn't understand why Jongho keeps acting like this. It was his birthday today and the camera was recording for ATEEZ Logbook. "Yeosang, stop it okay? You're too hyper." Wooyoung joked, getting a bunch of aww noos and it's his birthday leave him alone. Except for Jongho who was laughing hysterically with Wooyoung, Yeosang felt his heart ache heavily, sighed as he went back to sit down, preparing for the ATINY Wave fan sign that was scheduled in just about an hour. "Yeo, hey what's wrong? It's your birthday you should be happy." Yunho suddenly sat next to him, looking concerned. Yunho, the sweetest person on earth that would care about almost anyone, of course he would ask. "H-huh? Oh no I'm fine. Thanks for asking Yunho." Yeosang just mumbled back. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here 24/7 okay?" Yunho softly wrapped his arms around Yeosang into a hug. "Mhm." Yeosang smiled a little at Yunho's words.

"First of all, I'd like to thank ATINY for always being there for ATEEZ and supporting us. Thank you ATINY for also being the first to give me birthday wishes. Thank you once again and I'll work harder for you guys!" Yeosang smiled to the ATINY sitting in the audience, who were screaming and taking pictures. After what seemed like forever, they performed Wave for ATINY, lovely version with their cute costumes that the fans brought. Yeosang put on his police officer cap and slid on his small cape,giggling at Yunho trying to attempt to backflip to make him happy. As the song got to the bridge lyrics, Yeosang and Jongho sat back to back, (like they always did for Wave) singing softly. Suddenly, Jongho's hand crept slowly up to hold Yeosang's, which Yeosang didn't refuse but instead started blushing. The fans were scream extra loud now that they saw that, thinking it was pure fan service.
"Happy birthday Hyung." Jongho quietly whispered to Yeosang as they stood up for the last chorus before the song ends. "Thanks." Yeosang murmured softly back, not able to look Jongho in the eyes.

At the dorms, Yeosang sighed again, the butterflies in his stomach intensified remembering what Jongho did.
He stood at the balcony, feeling the soft wind past his face.

"What a way to end my birthday."

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