Things start to change

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Yeosang was having a mild headache today, and he wasn't in any mood to talk. He was silent the whole car ride to Show!Music Core stage. Hongjoong and Yunho immediately began to worry, trying to ask him what was wrong and if he was okay. "i-i im fine, just please leave me alone.." Yeosang whispered weakly, trying to convince Hongjoong that he didn't need any medicine of any kind. "Yeosang-ah, are you sure? Because we have three songs to perform here today, you need to be your best!" Yunho worriedly put his hand on Yeosang's forehead. "Y-y yeah, seriously. I'll be o-okay."

Say My Name was a very powerful song, matched with a powerful and attractive choreography. You needed to feel powerful, like a king, and with full Swag on stage. Unfortunately for Yeosang, he wasn't feeling powerful, nor like a king, or with any swag. He felt dizzy in his head and he couldn't even eat lunch. The members looked worried seeing Yeosang just sitting there, staring at his food, untouched. "Sang. Yeosang?" Wooyoung said, a bit louder. "W-what? What's up?" Yeosang looked so sick, he could have passed out, right there and then. "Yeo, you fine? You look sick." Wooyoung came and sat next to Yeosang. "I-i I'm fine." Yeosang said one last time. "You have to let us know if you're not well okay?" Wooyoung softly hugged Yeosang. "Mhm"

After the performance of Say My Name, they immediately had to change for Wave. Rushing back on stage, Yeosang was dead internally, he tried telling the other members but he decided that the performance was more important, so he ignored the fact he was about to faint.

Wave ended successfully, and only one more song left to perform. Yeosang felt like his arms were as heavy as stones, he couldn't lift himself up from his seat, but Yunho noticed and kindly helped Yeosang up and patted his back comfortingly. "Yeosang, last one, I know you can do this."

Hala Hala was the last performance, as the whole of ATEEZ bowed and went backstage, Yeosang walked weakly down the stairs and collapsed, and saw San screaming for help before he passed out.

Yeosang woke up to all the members staring at him. Some with tears in their eyes and some with soft smiles. "Hi" Yeosang grinned softly at the members. "I'm glad I didn't ruin the performance, sorry for the inconvenience, I'll work harder for you guys." If Wooyoung could slap Yeosang then and there, he would have but he didn't. "YEOSANG-AH! YOU LITERALLY WERE ALMOST IN A COMA! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU RUINED THE PERFORMANCE! WE WON TOO! ROOKIE AWARD I SWEAR" Wooyoung screamed loudly causing the other members to agree with him. "Hyung, what are you saying? You did so well!" "Yeosang, what? You didn't ruin it!" Yeosang smiled again, looking at all of the members, "I'm so glad I have you guys, and thank you for always being there for me. I really appreciate it." Everyone smiled warmly at him, "Group hug?" Mingi asked. And everyone tumbled into Yeosang to share a huge group hug.

Few days later, Yeosang recovered, and he made an apology video for ATINY about the inconvenience he caused.
He became healthier and happier, he decided to throw the Jongho heartache to the back of his head. He didn't want that to make him more unhappy and uncomfortable again.
Yeosang was now a happy and giggling ball of sunshine in the group and still, a shy baby.
Yeosang began ignoring Jongho, he didn't blush and stammer like he used to when seeing him, but rather very distant. He knew that, doing this to Jongho will be very hurtful to both him and himself but, in order to make himself less unhappy and give Jongho "space", he knew it was the best for both of them.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa were glad to see Yeosang back in action, better than ever.
But now they needed to sort out something else:

"Jongho's sadness."

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