Why is Hyung acting like this

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Warning: this is quite a long chapter lol, hope you enjoy! ~A/n

"I-i don't know what I did." Jongho stammered. "I thought he was going to be happy and cheerful to me too."
"Aish, Jongho-ah, are you sure that it isn't you who is causing the problem? I'm sure Yeosang wouldn't be like this ever, even when it's one of his bad days." Seonghwa sighed, looking at Jongho. "Hyung I don't know, I'm serious. He looks so much happier when he recovered but, he isn't talking to me or even looking at me like he usually did!" Jongho complained. "Uhm, Jongho? Why do you care so much about Yeosang's attention on you, I thought Wooyoung was the one that would "always need your attention"." Hongjoong looked at Jongho sighing as well. "I- I don't know why I'm fussing about this either...." Jongho slumped down into the couch that he was sitting in, grumbling.
"Look Jongho, I need to get something straight, do you like Yeosang?" Seonghwa asked, "w-w-what? N-no! Why would I?" Jongho suddenly stood up looking nervous at what Seonghwa said, "Okay well if you aren't, you should be caring about your favorite Hyung that "needs your attention" Wooyoung, shouldn't you?" Hongjoong shot back. "I- uhm.." Jongho started, but got interrupted by Seonghwa. "Listen here Jjong, Yeosang does care about you, especially as a hyung. I know what type of person he is. But if you feel that you haven't being able to communicate with each other well, then just ask him. He won't say no I promise. And also, one more thing, I'd make sure to sort out my feelings if I were you." Seonghwa patted Jongho's shoulders, motioning Hongjoong to go with him, leaving the maknae alone in the room.

At the dorms, Yeosang was having a blast playing some mobile games with Yunho and San, while the TV was playing one of his favorite shows. Suddenly, Jongho burst through the door, startling Yunho causing him to almost drop his phone, and San nearly fell off his chair, Yeosang remained calm and didn't even bother to look at Jongho. "Hey, maknae, what's up? That scared me not gonna lie." Yunho started, San nodding along. "Hi." Yeosang greeted, still looking at his phone. For first time in years, Jongho felt his heart ache, seeing Yeosang not even paying attention to him for just a little, not even looking at him. He needed to sort it out. "Yeosang Hyung, I'm looking for Yeosang Hyung. I need to talk to him." Jongho told Yunho and San. "Oh okay, Yeosanggie? Jongho wants to talk to you." Yunho turned to Yeosang's direction. "Okay." Yeosang responded with no emotion.

Yeosang followed Jongho into his room, still not looking up from his phone. "Hyung, sit." Jongho motioned for Yeosang to sit next to him. "Uh, sorry I'd prefer sitting here." Yeosang sat on the chair which was further away from Jongho. Jongho's heart ripped. He couldn't believe that Yeosang was treating him like this. "Hyung, why do you act like this? What did I do?" Jongho stood up, with a bit of hurt in his face, Yeosang looked up finally, meeting Jongho's tear fulled eyes, "I didn't do anything at all Jongho." Yeosang responded calmly. "Hyung, you ignore me, you don't even look at me, and most importantly you're acting really weird! You are so cheerful around the other members and just not me. Why?" Jongho looked ay Yeosang dead in the eye, trying to demand an answer from Yeosang. "I said, I didn't do anything." Yeosang raised his voice louder. "Hyung" Jongho had a tear rolling down his cheek. "Please tell me what I did wrong." Yeosang wanted to tell Jongho that he wanted his attention, he wanted to tell him how much he wished that Jongho would look at him more than once, how much he wished he was like Wooyoung, but he didn't. "Jongho i"— Yeosang got cut off by Jongho suddenly pulling him close, with his arm around Yeosang's waist and looking at him with his tear stained face, "H-Hyung what did I d-do?" Jongho started crying softly, trying not to let the other members hear, Yeosang felt heartbroken to see Jongho crying because of him, he needed to let go, because it reminded him of all the times Jongho used to do this to him, but Yeosang also couldn't just let this go, it would show that he was a cold and snobbish person which he was not. So he decided to do something that wasn't quite right and might get in trouble for, but he knew, he had to do this and he had to let the younger know. Yeosang grabbed a fistful of Jongho's shirt and pulled him closer until their faces were so close, they could feel their breaths fanning on each other. "I'll tell you why." Yeosang growled softly before he crashed their lips together into a rough and fierce kiss, Jongho was stunned and shocked by Yeosang's actions, but he suddenly knew why the older was acting like this, and Jongho grabbed Yeosang's jaw and kissed him back, harder and more rough.
The two were fighting for dominance and held on to each other like there was no tomorrow, that's when Jongho decided to close the door and slam Yeosang against the door, pinning his hands on either side of Yeosang's face. "Jongho I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do— Yeosang got cut off by Jongho kissing Yeosang more tenderly and more slow. As if he was savoring the moment.
After what seemed like forever, the two finally parted, Jongho pecked Yeosang's lips once, twice and a third time just before untangling his hands from Yeosang's hair.
Yeosang looked up at Jongho, with a stare that could pierce anyone, but it wasn't angry, rather calming.
"Hyung, I'm so sorry I didn't realize..... I hope you're okay." Jongho murmured into Yeosang's ear, making Yeosang shiver. "It's okay, I'm fine now that I've said what I wanted to say in ages." Yeosang and Jongho shared a small smile.
"When are you free? Do you have to go practice?" Jongho quickly asked Yeosang, "We can hang out, only if you want."  "Sure, I'm free from 9:00 pm. I suppose I'll be done practicing my part by then." Yeosang looked at Jongho with a small grin that bloomed Jongho's heart when he saw that he made Yeosang happy. "I'll meet you at my room at 9 then." Jongho smiled, "See you." Yeosang smiled back, his heart doing 100 backflips and somersaults. Yeosang made his way out of Jongho's room silently and into the practice room, jumping around and giggling uncontrollably while having to deal with the millions of butterflies in his stomach.

Jongho sat in his room, smiling to himself as he thought of the kiss they shared. He held his heart and swooned, feeling giddy as ever, he started preparing for Yeosang and his little "hang out" in his room while singing happy tunes.

"Why is my heart bumping so quickly?"

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