Vanquished Pt.I

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AJ: Now this will probably one of the more interesting universes for you guys as it takes place in space.                                                                                                Everyone: Space!? How?!                                                            Ironwood+Weiss+Winter+Watts: How!? Dust ceases to function once it leaves the atmosphere?!                                                     
AJ: 1. Different universe and 2. You discovered different resources due to advances technology.

Jaune is seen running down a corridor with glass at the sides in a suit of armour that leaves his face uncovered

Ironwood: What is that armour? It seems to be of Atlas design
AJ: It is. It was developed by DARPA, an agency focused on military tech research and development and the suit Jaune's wearing is their most recent prototype.
AJ: The suit has jet boosters attached to its thighs, a experimental weapon system that scans three weapons of choice that then saves them and allows the wearer to swap between them at any time.
Winter: A prototype?
AJ: Yep this is a rather extensive field test

As Jaune continues running down the corridor, a man in red armour with a jetpack flies outsude the window next to him and begins to speak.
???: Thank you for dispatching one of my many nuisances.
After which the man in red opens fire with Jaune dodging the shots then going into a slide after doing a roll which had boost his speed with the jet boosters in his armour.
Seeing this the man takes to firing explosive rounds instead destroying the corridor as Jaune continues down the corridor out running (or in this case out sliding?) the destruction only to have the section of corridor ahead of him fall acting like a ramp.
Jaune: Are you kidding me!?
Jaune slides up it only to be met with the same man in armour charging at him with a sword aiming to decapitate him. Time seems to slow as they get closer only to have Jaune lean backwards just avoiding the decapitation as he falls down landing on the still falling corridor rubble.

Yang: Where is Jaune right now anyway?
Pyrrha: And who is that guy trying to kill him?
Nora: And why?!
AJ: Well 1. On space station that was used to wipe a section of Vale off the map 2. The guy's name is Zaitsev and 3. Jaune is trying to stop them from using the station to fire at Beacon.
Everyone stunned at the thought of wiping parts of the kingdoms off the map even if it was just a section. Weiss stands up and points at AJ.
AJ just looks at her and answers
AJ: You didnt ask.
Weiss just stared at him angrily.

Just as Jaune lands he dodges another swipe from Zaitsev and begins running up another piece of falling rubble before doing a backflip off it and constructing an assault rifle while his helmet closes to protect his face and firing at Zaitsev as he dodges the gunfire only to have Jaune switch his assault rifle to a rocket launcher and fire once more leading to Zaitsev use the falling rubble as cover.

Yang: Calm it and can it Ruby or I'll start making puns again
Ruby's lips slam shut at the threat
Nora: Oooooh! Ren! This Jaune has a rocket launcher! Think we could make Jaune use one too and be "The Rocket Duo"?!
Ren: I somehow doubt that Nora.
Nora: awww...
Yang: You know I think that was the first time you said any thing so far Ren.
Ren justs shrugs

Jaune seeing this runs up more debris getting closer to Zaitsev, switching to a shotgun, cocking it only to backflip off once more hitting Zaitsev this time and blocking his retaliation as they lock eyes shotgun against blade. A relatively intact piece of corridor falls on them as they pass through the hole. Jaune knocks Zaitsev back and shoots him again, Zaitsev goes to stab him but Jaune block it shooting him again knocking him out of sight. Just as Zaitsev falls another man in blue armour shows up and slams him against the floor of the falling corridor only to lift him by the neck and throw him while only saying "Die". Jaune hits some debris as he falls toward the core and yells.

Ruby: Oh no!
Pyrrha: Oh no!
Nora: Oh no!
Cinder: Meh...
She's glared at by the three

Just as Jaune seems to accept his fate he spots a ledge and activates his jets to just get close to it and grabs it with one hand, just about saving himself from doom. He hangs there for a bit looking down at his 'almost demise'as he pants, he then opens up his helmet as he pulls a cigarette from his pocket and smokes it.

Pyrrha seeing his face clearly starts to blush while Nora and Ruby have differing opinions on cigarettes
Ruby: They're bad for you! No matter how cool they look!
Nora: They make fearless leader look even more fearless!

Jaune blows the smoke and says to himself
Jaune: Nothing better than a smoke to remind you, you're alive.
He then begins climbing the ledge with the cigar in his mouth and comes face to face with Red and Blue. Jaune annoyed at seeing them simply says "Just won't let me finish this in peace, will ya?" while Blue remarks (yep I'm referring to them like this now, sue me) "A dead man's last cigar, take your time." Jaune getting real tired of being threatened says "I'd rather hear something other than bullshit from you" as he throws his cigar over his shoulder. Red decides to humour him "You want some truth, comrade? Here is glimpse. Madame Winter backed our takeover of Menagerie. Jaune shocked replies "The President was behind your coup?" Red seeing he got his attention continues "She promised to support our sovereign government" Jaune in disbelief says angrily "I said no bullshit"

Ruby: Swear!
Winter was staring at the screen confused and in shock
Winter: I'm the President? What position is that?
AJ: Pretty much means you are the recognized leader of Atlas
Winter+Ironwood: *even more shocked* Leader?!

Blue joins in "To Winter, war was necessary to regain economic footing and reassert world hegemony." Red continues "What more suitable target than us?" Jaune connecting the dots realised "So she used you as a pretext for war!" Blue continues to explain "We had no choice but to proclaim war before we were attacked ourselves" Jaune now understanding why all this happened says "I can't condone Winter trying to attack Menagerie but you have no right to declare war with a weapon of mass destruction!"

Blake began thinking how "Schnee-like" before Winter began to yell.
Winter: So this, other me caused a war!? For money!!? For power!!??
AJ: Yes, every possible version of you exists even bad ones.
Winter looked down and was seething at the thought of doing that which sounded like what her father would do.

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