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" hey calm down miss, your still injured and we got you this far, don't want you to hurt yourself more"

The woman holds her hands out before slowly walking torward me, I start to back away but a shooting pain comes from my leg and I hiss in pain.

" woah, just wait now, let me look at your leg now, i just need to make shure its stealing and not infected again can I do that?"

I look to her and then the silent man in the doorway hesitantly before nodding at her.

" w-where am I?"

The woman quickly gets to work on my leg unwrapping the cloth bandages and wiping the marks left by the dragons teeth with a cloth and herb mix that sat nearby.

" you are in Borg village, the men and I heard your screams near the beach so we armed ourself and went to your aid, we managed to get there before it finished you off, but you were already quite injured. How did you get out there lass?"

The man says and I breath deeply thinking on what and how to tell them, they take it as me reliving the moment, after a beat I answer nervousness and fear audibly seeping into my voice at the thought of being chased by the mindless beings.

" I was in my village and it was night, I didn't have much fear because we haven't had any dragons attack in quite a long time, there was a older man and he had two dragons and he was with another woman, I must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time because he noticed I was there and sent the Desmond after me. His dragons...... they caught me and they were not like the others, they were mindless and he said that not even the alpha, or the mother dragon could control them. He told them to get rid of me and that I had heard too much."

Taking a deep breath I close my eyes clenching my fists before continuing,

" the dragons took off and we flew all night occasionally one would fly below and to get at me with their claws or teeth, I was terrified the one carrying me dropped me off here and- the outher kept flying for some reason I-I'm not sure why, I tried to run and hide but he grasped my leg with his teeth and dragged me back and started to nip and scratch at me I- I passed out after that from the fear and pain. I'm guessing that's when you found me."

We all sit in silence untill the woman finished wrapping my leg and checking the rest of the bandages only haveing to replace the one on the side of my face when she stands again is when she speaks again.
"Well, I'm glad that your alive, my name is Thora Siggedottur and this is my husband Ebbe Oveson. What's your name? And what village are you from?"

"My name is alayah Gudridrsdottur, I live in the hooligan village on the isle Burk my with chief hiccup horrendous haddock the third, and I really need to get back to the village as soon as I can"

They both look at me in shock their eyes wide, Ebbe is the first one to speak,

"I'm sorry but Burk is at least half a moon cycle away by boat the dragons that took you, they would have to fly Very fast to get out here in one night, I understand that you have to get back home but you are in no condition to go on a journey like that, you have to heal Alayah."

" WHAT! no no no I have to get back they need me there oh dear everyone must be freaking out at this point, the outhers will have sent out the riders to find me and- and the man he was going to do something to Burk everyone's in trouble, he was going to harm the dragon mothers children, I was supposed to be protecting them YOU DONT UNDERSTAND PLEASE I NEED TO GET BACK TO BURK!- "

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