The Voyage and Search

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Finally up!! Sorry it took so long. High school/college was takin up my time. Thanks for being patient :D

Everyone wakes up early the next morning, the rays of the sun not even reaching from beneath the land. Hiccup sets foot outside the house to see the gang in the distance loading their dragons and other belongings on a boat.

Behind the gang he could see the figure of Demgren shuffling along, bound at the ankles and wrists by shackles and cuffs. He looks gloomy about betraying his people but he was going to die either way and he figures he might live after helping to save Astrid.

Hiccup heads to the boats, careful not to knock anything over so he doesn't disturb the village. The closer he gets to the boat the more he realizes how big it is.

"Guys, we can't go in this boat," Hiccup says. "We have to take something smaller."

"This is the smallest boat we could find that would fit our stuff AND the dragons," Fishlegs reasons with him.

Hiccup's shoulders shrug in annoyance, but gets on the boat. He grabs Demgren's collar and heaves him on the boat, landing him perfectly in the below-deck cell. Snotlout grunts in admiration at the throw, patting Hiccup on the back. The gang settles into the boat while making plenty of space for their dragons to land. Hiccup takes the helm of the ship while the guys prepare the sails and Ruffnut prods at Demgren with a spear to shut him up from time to time.

"I really hope you don't kill him before I ask him more questions," Hiccup grins.

"I'll try not to," she giggles.

As the next two hours pass by, Hiccup just stares out at the ocean, speaking no words and moving no more than to mess with his hair or wipe tear away. Finally he slips a key out of his pocket and heads to the cell. He bangs on it with his foot, jarring Demgren from his already unrestful sleep. He looks up to see Hiccup's grim face and cowers in fear of what's to come. He's seen Hiccup furious before and doesn't want to invoke that wrath once more.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know," Demgren chokes out in fear.

"Looks like you've learned your lesson," Hiccup answers plainly. "So tell me where Astrid is."

"I don't know where she is but I can get us to the island," Demgren says with fear in his voice.

Hiccup pulls on the chain holding Demgren, lifting him out of the cell. Hiccup then shoved him to the bow of the ship and orders him to give direction when necessary, making it known one wrong word means his life. An hour passes by before they finally reach an island.

"We should rest here," Demgren says.

"And whys that?" Snotlout questions.

"Because this is the closest island to our main one and it's another day's ride till we reach it," Demgren answers in a sincere tone.

"Fishlegs, check the maps," Hiccups motions. A couple minutes passes before a word is said.

"Looks like he's tellin the truth, Hiccup."

"Alright, we'll stop here and make camp for the night," Hiccup tells them as the dragons fly to ground.

They unloaded the ship and set camp, making a wooden post area to keep Demgren in.

As the hours wane away the twins go hunting, while Snotlout and Fishlegs set a perimeter. Tuffnut feeds Demgren some dried meat gives him fresh water. Hiccups said they aren't going to be cruel captors and starve him.

"So what are you going to do when we get the island?" Ruff asks Hiccup.

"I'm gonna do everything I can to save Astrid," he simply responds.

"And how will you do that?"

"I.. I don't know yet," he slumps his shoulders, head down.

"You'll figure something out. You always do," Ruffnut comforts him.


Ruffnut walks off to find some of the others to help while Hiccup looks out at the water. As night settles with a full moon shining its brilliant light down upon them, then gang sets to sleep while making sure Demgren is properly tied to prevent possible escape.

The next morning the gang breaks down camp and sets off, with not-so-friendly reminder from Hiccup towards Demgren about leading them astray. A couple hours later they arrive at a desolate and barren island.

The island was dark and gloomy. There was no grass to cover the dirt and no leaves on the trees, giving the island a look of death. Hills and mountains scoured the land, hinting that it wasn't an island but much much bigger than the eye can see. In the center of it all was a big tower that reaches high into the sky's, the top covered by storm clouds.

"This is it," Demgren says with a smile.
"Home sweet home."

"Don't get any funny ideas," Snotlout prods him in the back with the butt of his axe.

They gang follow Demgren down small paths and through narrow caves. They all lose track of time as they get closer to the center of the land where the tower is, as Demgren explained that it was where they all lived with each level holding different shops and houses and farmland and other sorts of things.

Out of nowhere while on a trail Demgren takes off, leaving them behind. Hiccup throws a knife but barely misses as Demgren turns down another path, lost in the underbrush.

"He's mine if we see him again," Hiccup warns, anger rising.

The gang goes down multiple trails, only to become lost without a guide. As the sun, or whatever sun that shone through the clouds, starts to set they make camp.

The next morning they set off towards the tower, with someone always keeping an eye on it as the lead person hacks away with a short sword to clear a new path. Two hours later they finally get the to foot of the tower and stop as they hear words being exchanged.

".... going to have a rough night if she doesn't tell the boss where her island is," they hear someone say.

"She's not gonna betray her people. She'd rather die. She's said so herself," another voice responds.

"Aye, but once that lover boy of hers is captured, she'll talk to save him," the first voice answers.

"That she may, but we won't know till we capture him. And even then that will be a task if what Demgren says is true."

"What do ya mean?"

"The lad says the boy has a demon inside him. Saw it in his eyes he did."

The gang hears footsteps coming behind them so they quietly take cover. A patrol of three men comes around a hidden bend they passed and didn't see. They hear snippets of a fight between a girl and one of the warriors taking place soon.

"That's probably Astrid," Hiccup says, worried about her. "I haven't seen signs of another female so far."

"Well then we'd better go find out where this fight is taking place," Fishlegs puts.

"I saw something similar to our academy as we were walking to this tower," Snotlout chimes in. "It looks like the perfect place to hold a fight."

"Then we get going now," Hiccup says, a determination in his voice. "Snotlout, lead the way."

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