Chapter II

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The next day, Hiccup wakes up with a smile on his face. Last night was a blast. He still has to make sure that Astrid feels the same way beacuse last night just might've gone in his favor. He goes downstairs and feeds Toothless. His dad wasn't around, so HIccup assumes he was out being chief.

Hiccup heads to the forge and sees that Gobber isn't to be found, so he starts the forge and gets everything in order. He opens the window, and starts to set all the metal out to be smelted, polishes the blades and other equipment, and other forge type things.

Several hours pass by and Gobber still hasn't shown up. It doesn't bother Hiccup because Gobber sometimes leaves Hiccup by himself just to see if Hiccup can handle it. Another few hours pass and its time to close the shop for the day. Hiccup is about to leave just as Astrid passes by.

"Hey Hiccup," she waves.

"How ya doin', Astrid?" Hiccup waves back.

"Oh, I'm doing just fine. Stormfly and I were practicing her spine-shot technique."

"Really now? How's that coming?"

"It's coming along pretty good," she says proudly.

"Cool. You'll have to show me when y'all get it down," Hiccup says. Then he notices her axe. "Need a repair?"

"What?" she asks confused. Then she remembers her axe. "Oh. Yeah. My blade kinda fell off..." she says holding up her axe. She prefers a double-sided axe, and it only has one right now.

"Uh... Get angry at something?" Hiccup jokes, but Astrid didn't find that too funny.

"I was training," she simply states, no longer smiling.

She throws her axe on the repair pile and leaves without another word. Hiccup just stands there, dumbfounded and trying to figure out what he said wrong.

"Hiccup fails again," Snotlout walks up to him. "I'm telling you, you'll never win her over. You're to much of a hiccup. You're scrawny, your small, and your weak. You can't lift a sword, and your too scared to even swing a dagger. Then one appears right beside his head.

"I might be 'too afraid' to swing a dagger, but I can throw one just fine," Hiccup retaliates. His emerald eyes look upon a scared Snotlout as he turns away towards the Great Hall. He calls Toothless over, mounts up, and takes off.


Astrid stares dumbfounded at what she just witnissed. She turns around to apologize to Hiccup for snapping at him and all of a sudden she sees Hiccup throw a dagger at Snotlout and takes off on the back off Toothless. He flies towards the forest, but she doesn't know why. She walks back to the forge, determined to find out what went down.

"What just happened?" Astrid demands as she points to the ever getting distant sight of Hiccup.

"I told him the truth, and he couldn't handle it," Snotlout says proudly, until Astrid grabs his shoulder and slams him against a support beam.

"I'll ask one more time before I put you on the ground. What. Did you. Say."

"I just told him he was a hic..." he doesn't finish as he's put on the ground.

"You'll never understand him," Astrid says.

She runs while calling Stormfly, who speeds past to pick her up. They fly off in the direction that Hiccup and Toothless took.

"They could be anyhwere by now," she says to herslef. Then Stormfly takes an unexpeted turn. "What are you doing girl? Why are you taking us to.... The cove!" she exclaims when she finally realizes where Hiccup went. "Faster girl."

They get there in the next couple of minutes and she spots Hiccup surrounding the area. She looks for Toothless and spots him bringing in a load of wood to a structure that has been started.

She just hovers above them, unsure as to whether land or wait. She hangs in the longer than she meant to, because Hiccup disappears in the brush at the edge of the cove along with Toothless.

"Dang it..." Astrid says sadly.

She goes above the trees and into the clouds, twisting, turning, and weaving between the clouds as she heads back home. They were all sorts of colors from pink to blue to purple to red from the setting sun.

Every time Astrid flies to the clouds it brings back the memory of her first flight with Hiccup and Toothless. She remembers the fear when Toothless suddenly took of from the treetop and dove towards the ground. He dipped in and out of the water and flew crazy until she apologized. That was when the wonder finally made its way into her heart. She will never forget that memory.


Hiccup cuts through the brush with his short sword as he cleans out a surrounding area of the cove.

"I don't know why, bud," Hiccup starts. "I just snapped. I've never done that before. It was like something inside me tried to come out."

A/N Bet y'all dont what it is :P And don't say anything if you do :P

Hiccup continued to clear the space for the next hour and a half until he was drenched.

"That'll do for now ," he says to himself.

He leaves to head back to Berk and on the way saw Astrid flying amongst the clouds. Hiccup just turns his head away, ashamed of earlier, and continues home.

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