Chapter I

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A hiccup is usually the runt of the pack, according to the vikings in a place named Berk. That's what the son of Stoick the Vast was. He was small, scrawny, and awkward. Even more awkward now with his missing leg.

Hiccup was no longer what his name implied, though, because he almost single-handedly defeated a gigantic dragon called the Red Death. It's nearly because he had the help of a Night Fury named Toothless. Toothless has retractable teeth, hence his name.

Let's starts the story, shall we?

After Hiccup and Toothless defeat the Red Death, they become the village celebrities for a few weeks. Feasts and parties were thrown in their name, and Hiccup even receives some attention from the girls for once. But he doesn't care because he wants to be with Astrid. Astrid Hofferson. Viking extraordinaire, most beautiful girl in the village. One problem though, Hiccup can't see that Astrid feels the same way, and Astrid doesn't know about Hiccup's crush on her either.

A week and a half of celebration, it's time for one of the parties in the great hall. Music is playing, a huge feast is in the center, and everyone is around.

Hiccup sits alone at a table, scratching Toothless's head. Fishlegs, a bulky and intelligent Viking who is literally a walking Book of Dragons, sits on the opposite side of Hiccup.

"How's it going?" he asks Hiccup

"Oh you know, the usual. Can't be left alone by the girls and the whole village can't stop congratulating me on the victory," Hiccup responds.

"Oh c'mon! You defeated the dragon that's been plaguing us for years! of course this is gonna happen," Fishlegs chuckles, but is wasted in deaf ears. He follows Hiccups gaze to where Astrid is leaning against a beam, with arms crossed and head cast down with a sad look on her face. "Go talk to her," Fishlegs says. Hiccup looks at him like he's crazy.

"You're telling me, Hiccup, to go talk to the most beautiful girl in Berk? You're insane!"

"You're not gonna win her heart unless you try," Fishlegs countered. Hiccup only sighed.

"You're right," he say, making a move to get up.


Astrid thinks about what all this celebrity status for Hiccup is going to do to her chances of winning his heart.

She overheard some of the girls talking about how strong Hiccup must be after defeating the dragon, how smart he was for taming Toothless, and how handsome he is. She looks over to see Hiccup walking her way, thinking he was headed to talk to the group of girls in front of her.

"You only think he's cute because he's done a great feat of power and intelligence, something y'all never saw before," Astrid says to herself as she walks away. "I've always seen Hiccup like that."

Little did she know that Hiccup was in fact walking to her, not even knowing there was a group of girls in front of her, and that his shoulders literally dropped when he saw her walk away.


Hiccup returned to the table where a sad looking Fishlegs was.

"I'm sorry, bro," Fishlegs says.

"Eh, I saw it coming," Hiccup replies. "She'll never go for a Viking like me."

"Yeah, she prefers a Viking of my stature," an annoying voice says.

"Why am I not surprised that you say that?" Hiccup says to Snotlout.

"Because. It's true," Snotlout counters.

"Leave him alone man. He's gone through enough lately," Fishlegs backs Hiccup.

"Yeah, with the whole losing his foot and all," Ruffnut says as he walks up.

"And just when the party was getting good. I'm getting tired guys," Hiccup lies. "I'll see y'all tomorrow."

Hiccup gets up and leaves the Great Hall, leaving the gang behind.

"What was that all about?" Tuffnut asks.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the idiocy of the things you people say sometimes!" Fishlegs exclaims. "It's bad enough that he has to deal with a missing leg, and it's only been about two weeks since it happened. Not to mention... You know what, nevermind," Fishlegs says as he leaves.

The other three scatter around the Great Hall, mingling with the other kids. The twins start their usual behavior, pulling pranks on all the Vikings who are present. Snotlout goes and flirts with the girls, not finding Astrid anywhere. Fishlegs goes to converse with everyone.


Outside, Hiccup flew to the beach with Toothless. Toothless, sensing that Hiccup was upset, nuzzled against him. Hiccup couldn't help but smile and scratched his head.

"I don't know what to do, bud," Hiccup says, talking about Astrid. "She's the prettiest girl in Berk, the most intelligent one, and she's the one who has my heart. I always think about her."

"Think about who?" a feminine voice said.

Hiccup jumps, and turns around to see Astrid walking to him. She was wearing he usual outfit, but different. She was wearing a short, simple skirt, and a sleeveless shirt. She had taken her shoes off and she wasn't wearing leggings like she usually does because of the sand.

"Uh... No one," Hiccup miserably lies.

"Who is it?," asks once again.

Her blue eyes are staring into his emerald ones, the moonlight making hers sparkle.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready?" he responds. Astrid's mouth forms a slight frown.

"Ok. When you're ready," she agrees. "So what are you doing here?" she changes the subject while sitting close to him.

"Oh you know, just came here to enjoy the sight," Hiccup replies. He looks over at Astrid, see her stare out into the sea. "I come here a lot to think, too," he adds.

"I do the same," Astrid tells him. "Guess what."

"Wha-" Hiccup starts as he gets a hair full of sand. "You did not just do that...." Hiccup says as he grins.

He chases after Astrid. She takes off, a little too late. Hiccup grabs her around the waist. They fall to the ground, struggling to win. After a few minutes, they realize that she has her head on his chest and that he has his arm around her. They quickly get up, both blushing extremely bad.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Hiccup says as he mounts Toothless.

"Yeah," Astrid says, suppressing a smile. "Can... Can you give me a ride?"

"Of course," Hiccup says, reaching out a hand to help her up.

They take off on Toothless, memories of their first flight together entering both of their minds. Astrid lays her forehead on Hiccups back in-between his shoulders. Hiccup doesn't say anything.

When they arrive in the village, they land in the center. Hiccup gets off and helps Astrid down. They say their goodbyes and head to their respective homes.

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