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Snotlout leads the gang back to where he saw the ring, which was about three miles back. Once again they cut through the underbrush to make a straighter path to get there quicker. The closer they get the louder they hear a noise.

A crowd roars in approval. The closer they get the more individual phrases they make out.

"Throw her against the wall!

"Pin her to the ground!"

"ASTRID!!!" Hiccup takes off at a dead sprint.

The gang follows in pursuit unable to keep up as Hiccup steadily gets faster, somehow keeping a steady pace with his prosthetic foot.

Hiccup is lost to the others. He keeps running, praying to the gods Astrid will be okay by the time he gets there. He doesn't know what keeps him going or how he's running so fast, but he does know he needs to get to Astrid as soon as possible and runs even faster than before.

In no time Hiccup gets to the arena and sees a multitude of Vikings, all armed to the teeth with crossbows, swords, axes, you name it. He scans the arena and sees a hulking Viking, most likely the warrior the other men were talking about but sees no one else.

In the corner of the arena, though, lays a body with a mass of platinum blonde hair.

"No..." Hiccup barely whispers.

He feels rage building inside, letting it fester within to help him fight. But before it comes to full force the body gets up, holding a dagger. Even from here he could see those sparkling sapphire eyes.

"Astrid!!" he yells as he barrels through the mass.

She looks for where the voice came from and nearly lost her life. Still as agile as ever, she rolls under the axe swing and slices the calf of the barbarian but to no avail. The barbaric monster still stands tall, multiple wounds bleeding from all over his body. Then the unmistakable sound of steel on leather rings through the air.

The man turns around to see a twig of a person stand before him. His mind now taken from the girl, his heavy feet carry him to the male who dares interrupt his fun. He swings his heavy axe in circle for the head, only to have his entire arm jarred by one simple but effective block. As the barbarian looks in the eyes of his opponent he finally knows what fear feels like.

In this fishbone's eyes lies hatred for him. He sees determination to win and kill. He looks deeper into the emerald green eyes and realizes that this kid will do anything to save the girl. Then nothing is there as the eyes go black.

For once in his life he's scared. He tries to parry every stroke of the sword but it makes contact more times then what he wants. He feels each contact of the sword point across his body and soon the barbaric warrior is on his knee in surrender.

"Hiccup, don't!" Astrid runs and hugs him before he can land a final blow.

Metal clatters on the ground as Hiccup wraps his arms around his girl. He strokes his fingers through her hair. The gang finally arrives to the scene of two people hugging. Hiccup takes Astrid's hand and leads her away from the arena as the crowd departs in fear of the same fate.


In the distance a black mysterious figure watches the fight as it progresses.

"Interesting," the black cloud says. "He might be trouble after all."

The figure disappears into a shadow and appears closer to the group and follows them as they make their way to the ships where it's docked. He slithers past them and scours the ships for signs of anything he's looking for. He sees the black dragon just in time before it bites him and he leaves the ship.

"Stupid night furies, they've always been able to sense me."

The apparition takes off into the sky and heads back to his tower and plots for the future of how he'll get rid of the Dragon Tamer.

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