Chapter IX - Time to Start

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A week has gone by and the boat is nearly complete. The siblings never showed signs of aggression except when Rachel trains with Hiccup. He started to have her use heavier weapons to make her think she was just getting tired. Paul sits by the wayside and watches his sister do her thing. She's gained Hiccup's trust, and that is what they needed.

Astrid gave up trying to look for clues to if they were here to harm the gang in any way and finally accepted them into Berk. Hiccup and Rachel start to spend time together, with Rachel obviously making moves on Hiccup but with constant rejection. Every time Astrid would ask Hiccup about it, he would just kiss or hug her and say that nothing will ever come between them.

The day before completion comes and two figures stand in the night. They stand at the edge of the docks, looking for a small boat. They search all along the dock, trying to find the perfect one.

A half hour later, the full moon high in the sky,a boat is finally found and a figure appears from amongst the rocks and a bag is handed off between the two groups. The lone figure sails off in the boat, bag by his side, and the two figures head back to were they came from.

Hiccup wakes in a sweat the next morning, wondering why he had a strange dream like that. He walks downstairs to find his dad having breakfast with an extra plate set aside for Hiccup. The two eat breakfast as a family since Stoick doesn't have anything to tend to yet.

Later, Hiccup goes on a ride with Toothless. They twist and turn, dip in and out of the water, spin like a corkscrew. The sun climbs the sky as the duo gets hungry. Stopping at the Great Hall to get food, the duo comes across the gang freaking out about something.

Hiccup arrives at the table to be bombarded by too many questions to hear at once.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Whats going on here?!" Hiccup holds his hand out. The twins automatically start.

"We woke up to a strange sound last night-" Ruff starts.

"So we went searching to find the source-" Tuff completes.

"We saw some strange figures just standing on the beach-"

"So we decided to scout it out," they finish.

"Then Ruff comes to grab Snotlout and me to help out," Fishlegs chimes in. "But by the time we arrive, only Tuff stands on the beach, peering into the distance."

"We gave up, thinking it was nothing but a dream or whatever and now we can't find As-" Snotlout starts, only to have his mouth covered by both twins, who give a nervous smile.

"Can't find what?" Hiccup asks worriedly.

"Astronomers," Fishlegs quickly says, a bead of sweat slowly dripping down his forehead. Hiccup turns around, running out of the Great Hall.

"You are SUCH a bad liar..." Snotlout says as Hiccup leaves the Great Hall.


Hiccup runs as fast as his prosthetic leg will allow him. He gets to Astrid's house and knocks on the door. With no response he slowly opens the door. No one was home, but he did spot a note on the table, with Astrids signature on it.

To whomever may be reading this,

Tell Hiccup I'm sorry for whatever I may have done to push him away. And if your reading this yourself, Hiccup, I'm sorry. I hope that you find someone you truly enjoy being around, like Rachel. I've seen how you two act around each other. I hope I just misread what was going on but it was clear that she was into you and that you showed something back. I don't know when I'll be back or if I ever will be. Please, Hiccup, try to forget about me.


Astrid Hofferson

"What's going on here?" Hiccup slumps to his knees, tears falling from his emerald eyes.

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