The Info and Demon

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Hiccup woke the next day feeling better than ever. He wanted to get information out of Paul and find Astrid as soon as he could but he could barely move from exhaustion. He forces himself out of the bed and gets ready.

He goes downstairs to find Ruffnut asleep. She did say she promised Astrid nothing would happen to him. As he tires to sneak out the door, Ruff jumps awake, spear at the ready.

"Oh no you don't, you're gonna eat something," Ruff pulls him back in the house.

She makes him some breakfast, ham and eggs, and makes sure he eats it all.

"Now you may go," she laughs. Hiccup only shakes his head and smirks.

Hiccup heads to the dungeon where Paul is being kept to find him suspended in the air by shackles around his wrists. Hiccup makes a noise, stirring Paul out of a restless sleep. Soon after he hears the guys come in and Paul screams.

"Get him away from me!" he yell, looking straight and Tuffnut.

"Boo!" Tuffnut goes into a scare stance, causing Paul to flip out.

"Looks like you really did a number on this one," Hiccup shakes the guys' hands.

"We tried the 1, 2, 3 tactic and it worked pretty well," Snotlout smugly grins.

"I started with some simple questions," Fishlegs speaks. "After about fifteen minutes of silence, Snotlout came and was just a little bit rougher with him. As you can see with the bruises."

Hiccup looks Paul up and down closer this time, revealing that Paul had been through some serious stuff.

"Then after I was done, all I got out of him that his name is actually Demgren from Bloodwater on the Island of Cutthroats. Then it was Tuff's turn to have a lil fun," Snotlout says with a wicked grin.

"That's when the real party began," Tuff rubs his hands together in that mischievous way he does. "You know I like to mess with people's minds, right?"

"That I do," Hiccup answers.

"Well I find out he doesn't like the supernatural," Tuff starts. "So I have us all dress up as demons and create a dark cavern in here. I had barf create his green smoke, making the place even eerier. That's when the show started," Tuff starts chuckling. "We come in all slow like and prey on his fears. We constantly go around him, saying he better tell us the truth or we'll send his soul to the depths of whatever hell he believes in."

"And did it work?" Hiccup asks.

"Indeed it did," Fishlegs responds. "He told us that he came here with that girl to kill you, but you were a better adversary than they initially thought. They put off the plan, also, because of Toothless, being a Night Fury, the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, who is your loyal companion. But then the plan went further south when Rosethorn, the girl, decided to give up on the plan due to certain, attachments, she had grown for us and you."

"So where is Astrid then?" Hiccup asks.

"That was the one thing he still won't tell us," Snotlout says, backing away.

Hiccup seems to grow in size, anger rising from within. The guys back away, letting Hiccup loose his rage on Demgren.

Hiccup turns around to face him, and Demgren lets loose a blood curdling scream at what he sees in Hiccups eyes.

"What have you done with Astrid?!" Hiccup yanks Demgren down to the floor, chains of the shackles ripping from the ceiling above.

"I don't care what you are, demon, but I'll never tell cause if I do I die!" Demgren defiantly says only to be lifted in the air by the throat.

"I swear by Odin himself that I'll rip your throat out if you don't tell me," Hiccup's voice changes. Demgren didn't say anything until the fingers around his throat started closing.

"She's on Cutthroat Island," he barely gets out.


"Because the master of the land what's your head on a pike to proclaim that he is the greatest warrior of all time, and the only way to get you there after our plan failed was to give him Astrid to lure you there," Demgren chokes out.

"Where is this island of yours?" Hiccup's fingers tighten.

"I don't know exactly where it is, but I can get you there," Demgren's face turns purple from speaking and losing air.

Hiccup drops hims and Demgren chokes for air. He looks to the guys for help but they just chuckled.

"You brought upon yourself," Snotlout shrugs his shoulders.

"Should've answers my questions in the beginning," Fishlegs rubs his hands.

"I told you you'd have to face a real demon if you didn't tell us where Astrid was," Tuff snuggly grins.

Demgren goes flying through the air and lands on a support beam, landing with a solid thud 20 ft below.

Demgren tries to get up and run but in a flash, Hiccup is right in front of him and lifting him up by the shirt. Demgren sees fury in Hiccup's eyes and could feel it radiating from from his body.

Hiccup drops Demgren to the floor and kicks him hard in the stomach.

"Get back in the dungeon cell," Hiccup tells him and Demgren soundlessly goes.

"Looks like we know where we're going in the morning," Snotlout gently places a hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

"Let's go get ready guys," Hiccup's voice breaks at his broken heart with Astrid.

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