Proffesor Remus John Lupin

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" Come on" I smiled excited to start my 7th year while my cousin Hermione Granger was getting ready to start her 3rd

" I'm coming Chloe" Hermione stated running down the stairs

" Are you ready?" Mrs Granger asked " Packed Everything?"

" Yes Mum" Hermione nodded

" Yes" i nodded looking at my aunt

My aunt and uncle had took me in after my mum died in a car crash when i was 13 and my dad had left not wanting to look after me.

Luckily Mum was able to hear i got sorted into Gryfinndor and she also unfortunately knew i got called a mud-blood alot because my parents were muggles, lawyers to be exact

" Well" Mrs Granger smiled " Hermione enjoy your 3rd year and Chloe enjoy your last"

" Thank you" i smiled before Hermione grabbed onto my arm and we apparated to the train station

" Ron, Harry" Hermione smiled at her friends as she entered the station

" Hi" They greeted

" Hello dear" Molly Weasley smiled

" Hi Mrs W" i greeted as we way our way to platform 9 3/4

" Be good" Molly warned the twins and Ron " I dont want to send a howler to any of you this year

" Ok" Hermione nodded as we looked through the train compartments " This is the only one empty"

" But who is he?" Ron asked looking at the sleeping man infront of him

" Proffesor Remus John Lupin" Hermione replied

" How do you know?" Ron asked

" Its on his suitcase Ronald" Hermione sighed

" Are you sure he's asleep?" Harry asked

" Yes" i nodded inspecting the proffesor " why?"

" i have to tell you something" Harry replied shutting the compartment door

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