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As me and Harry found out Hermione and Ron were alive and too my relief Remus was too, but as me and Harry approached Ron we found him crying over a dead body.

I recognized who it was immediatly, Fred.

I felt myself crying too, all the weasleys including Fred and George were my friends, so it felt no less sad to me than it would of felt if my Aunt and Uncle or Hermione would off died.

Remus pulled me away after abit too talk

" Are you ok?" I asked

" Most of the order are dead" Remus stated

" We are gratefull and happy to be alive after so many have died" I smiled hugging him

Remus hesitated for a second before hugging back

" I was afraid i'd lost you" Remus admitted once we pulled apart

" So was i" I nodded

" If a Death Eater killed you" Remus started

" But they didnt" I smiled

" Yea" Remus nodded " Shall we apparate back to my place?"

" You go" I smiled " I need to help my friends"

" Ok" Remus nodded before disappearing

Me following him 10 minutes later once i made sure everyone was ok

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