Muggle Studies

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I woke up just before the others did and when we down for breakfast.

" Look at Hermione's Time Table" Ron awed once we were in the Great Hall

" Hermione" i gasped " You have Divinaton, DADA and Charms at the same time, thats not possible"

" Yea" Ron added " You'll have to be in 3 places at once"

" Ronald thats impossible" Hermione laughed

" So how come thats what it says" I asked

" I do not wish too discuss it" Hermione stated

" Suit yourself" Ron shrugged and went back to eating.

" I'll see you guys at lunch" I smiled walking out the Great Hall and starting to get ready for muggle studies

" Welcome Class" Proffesor Burbage smiled " I've made a small change in the seating plan after last year so Mrs. Evergeen you'll now be sitting next to Mr. Wood"

I nodded and smiled at Oliver as i sat next to him, relieved i got to sit next to my best friend rather than my worst enemy Marcus Flint like i did last year.

" Now" Proffesor Burbage explianed " Instead of using magic to clean the house muggles use a range of various iteams, we are going to explore these in today's lesson"

" Chloe'll know all about them" Flint commented then sneered " Due to being a mud-blood"

" Thank you for implying i'm smart Marcus" i said faking a smile and delibrately ingnoring his second comment

This made Marcus scowl and glare at me before turning his attention back to the lesson.

" Great Comeback" Oliver congratulated

" Thanks" I smiled " I do my best"

" And it allways works" Oliver nodded before getting back into the lesson

10 minutes into the lesson i exusced myself and just out of curiousity went to see how Hermione was doing.

As i approached the DADA classroom i found they were learning about boggarts and i saw Ron's turn into a spider which did not suprise me.

Once it got to Harry's turn however i became very worried and entered the room quietly, wand ready.

I could think of 2 things his boggart could turn into a both were equally bad.

Once the boggart saw Harry it turned into a dementor and in that moment i knew i had to do something so i ran next to Harry and cast a full body Patronus making the boggart/dementor retreat back into the closet where Lupin realizing my plan quickly shut the door behind it.

" You ok?" I asked

" Yes" Harry nodded " Thanks though"

" Sorry i disturbed the lesson Proffesor" I apologized

" It's ok" Lupin replied before saying " Class dismissed"

Everyone groaned and i got a few dirty looks from Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy but in that moment i didnt care.

As i turned to leave Lupin stopped me by saying " Well done"

" Thank you" I smiled

" I saw you come in your wand ready and face full of concern" Lupin stated before asking " What did you think it would turn into?"

" Either You Know Who or a dementor" I replied

" You would of still protected Harry if it was You Know who?" Lupin asked

" Yes" i nodded " Harry is like a little brother to me, i would protect him, Hermione and Ron untill my last breath"

" That's a good characteristic to have" Lupin nodded

" What is?" I asked

" Self-lessness" Lupin replied

" Yea" I nodded and we talked untill the bell rang before i smiled " Well, i better get to my next class"

Lupin nodded as i disappeared out the classroom and headed towards Divination

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