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" Wake up" i heard Hermione's voice shout what seemed like minutes later

" What time is it?" I groaned

" Exactly 5pm" Hermione replied " You've been asleep for 4 hours"

" Feels like 10 minutes" i laughed getting up

" What happened to studying?" Hermione asked

" I hung out with Oliver for awhile then instead of studying i fell asleep" i explianed

" I cant blame you" Hermione replied " All the work you have to do as well as the stress and anger you put up with"

" Your not telling me off for missing studying?" I asked quite suprised

" If i were you i would of done the same" Hermione shrugged before asking " Fancy some tea?"

" Yea" I nodded following Hermione downstiars where Harry and Ron were waiting

" There you are" Ron joked " We thought you'd died or passed out in a bunch of text books"

" Actually Ronald" I sassed " I didnt study, i practiced quidditch with Oliver"

" So unlike you" Ron stated

" What?" I asked

" For you not too study" Ron replied as we made our way to the Great Hall

As i sat down Oliver made his way over and i could see Marcus glaring at both of us the whole time to which i shrugged making him turn away.

" Hey Chloe" Oliver greeted

" Hi" I smiled

" I heard you think i'm more important than studying" Oliver laughed " That true?"

In that moment Hermione's face turned red

" Chloe Emerald Pheonix Evergeen" She bellowed " Do you think a boy is more important that education, learning and the potential to get a good career?"

I growled, it really pissed me off when people used my full name, it had ever since my mum died then for some reason i snapped

" 1." I shouted " Never call me by my full name agian, 2. Oliver is not just a boy he is my best friend, 3. Yes actually, i think spending time with friends is more important that isolating myself from the world and burying my head in books in order to get a good job"

Everybody in the Hall including the Proffesors went silient at my outburst and Harry, Ron, Hermione and Oliver looked at me in shock

Realizing what had happened i frowned " I'm sorry cuz, i dont know why i snapped"

" It's ok" Hermione replied

" No" I shook " Its not, all the time so far this year all i've done is snap, i've got 100 things to think about and thats not including lessons, homework and how to deal with Flints bullying"

Hermione was about to speak before i silienced her and walked calmly out the door

Once i was outside i saw a figure in the darkness

" Give me one good reason why i shouldnt alert Dumbledore and the rest of the school your here Black" I smiled in the figures direction

" How?" Sirius asked

" I'm a animagus, a Panther, i can sense when someones where they shouldnt be or somethings wrong" I replied

" Ok" Sirius nodded " I cant explian now but meet me in the shreiking shack tommorow, 8pm"

" Alright" I accepted " But if this is a trap Black i can assure you i will personally take you back to the Dementors"

" I believe you" Sirius smiled before turning into his dog form and running off

" Who were you talking to?" Lupin asked behind me

" No-body" I lied " Why are you here?, i need you to do me and yourself a favour by staying away from me and that goes for the rest of the school"

" Chloe" Lupin smiled " Your angry all the time cause you dont talk to alot of people about how you feel"

" I cant" I replied " I cant feel all that i am, anger from Marcus,school and homework, pain from liking someone who i thought i had a shot with till they realized i was a monster, guilt from what if i hurt Hermione in the future when i snapped and i know its been 4 years but i'm still sad over mums death, it still feels like it happened yesterday and i'm still sad and angry about my dad abandoning me and it feels like that was yesterday too"

" You need to relax" Lupin breathed " And whoever you like if they like you too it wont matter to them your a animagus"

" Do you like anybody?" I asked

" Yes" Lupin nodded " But they like someone else, a fit quidditch captian likes them so she'll probably pick him over me"

I siliently laughed and blushed cause i suspected he was talking about me because i suspected the quidditch captian was Oliver and i knew Oliver had a crush on me

" I wouldnt be so sure" i smiled then stuttered as Lupins eyes widened " I mean ummm your a nice guy any girl or guy would be lucky to have someone like you"

" Guy?" Lupin asked

" I didnt know" i blurted out

" I said she" Lupin laughed

" You could be bi" I replied defensively

" Bi?" Lupin asked

" Bisexual" I explianed " A muggle term for liking both genders"

" I'm sorry" Lupin apologized " Do you want to come back in a grab some tea?"

" No thanks" I shook " I need to think and get some sleep"

" Ok, Night Chloe" Lupin smiled heading back into the Great Hall

" Night Proffesor" i replied as i walked in my dormitory and practically flew myself on the bed falling asleep almost instantly

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