Peter Petigrew

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" Are you gonna tell them why their here or should i?" I asked looking at Sirius

" You can if you like" Sirius replied " Persides i just need what i came here for not the burden of explianing why"

" So" I explianed " Pettigrews animagus form was a rat, and when he died 12 years ago all that was left of him was a finger, well when Percy bought Scabbers 12 years ago he was missing a toe, i have the enough information to believe Pettigrew didnt die that night, he cut of his finger and turned into a rat and that rat i believe is Scabbers"

" How can it be Scabbers?" Ron asked

" The information i have is enough to sugguest so and Ron if he's not Sirius and Remus will know" I sighed " Trust me, ok?"

" Ok" Ron nodded reluctantly handing over Scabbers

" Sirius" I warned " Be carefull"

" All i need to do is make him change or not it wont hurt" Sirius smiled but something inside me didnt believe that

" I'll be the judge of that" I stated and Remus laughed

" What?" I asked turning to him

" Have you allways been this stubborn?" Remus asked

" Maybe" I shrugged turning back to Sirius " If that turns out not to be Pettigrew and you harm him i will use every duelling spell i know on you, understand?"

" Now i can see why Moony likes you" Sirius smiled " But i totally understand, however look on the map, Pettigrews name is next to your and the only people next to you are Remus and that rat"

" Dont do anything bad" I hissed handing Scabbers over to Sirius " Harry, Ron and Hermione are still kids"

" So are you" Hermione stated

" Yes but i am 11 months away from becoming a adult whereas you are 5 years away" I replied

" Anywho" Sirius replied " While you too have your girly argument i'll do the task in hand, shall i?"

" Yea yea" I sighed " Just come on full moon is soon"

Sirius nodded in understanding and set the rat on the floor, Scabbers immediatly made a run for ir but Remus and Sirius kept blocking his way before Scabbers changed to reveal none other than Peter Pettigrew

" Oh my god" I muttered

" Remus, Sirius, my old friends" Pettigrew quivered

" Why did you do it?" Sirius asked " Why did you betray Lilly and James?"

" The Dark Lord can be very persuasive" Pettigrew stuttered " You would of done the same"

" No" Sirius shook pointing his wand at Pettigrew " I would of died before giving up my friends location"

" Stop it" I shouted making Sirius turn his head towards me " Yes he betrayed Lilly and James but thats no reason to hurt him"

" He deserves what he gets" Sirius hissed " And right now thats death"

" Have mercy" Pettigrew quivered throwing himself at Harry's feet

" I agree with Chloe" Harry nodded " The Dementors can have you"

Sirius and Remus pulled Pettigrew to his feet as he quivered at the mention of Dementors

While we walked out the shack me and Remus stayed in silience till i asked " You ok with them knowing about us?"

" Yea" Remus nodded " Why wouldnt i be?"

" Your a Proffesor, i am a student" I stated

" Harry, Ron and Hermione will keep the secret" Remus replied then he suddenly froze

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