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" Just on time" Snape replied as i entered the classroom

" For once" Marcus sneered making the other Slytherin's laugh

" Marcus" I sighed " I dont have time for your bullying and scarky remarks anymore, i'm stressed enough as it is"

" Oh i'm sorry" Marcus replied pretending to be sorry then laughed " On second thoughts no i'm not, i'm not sorry towards a filthy mud-blood like you"

" Shut up Flint" Oliver hissed

" Make me Wood" Marcus challenged

" Thats enough Oliver" I frowned " He's not worth losing house points over"

" Very wise" Snape replied

" For once" Marcus stated

" Why you little bitch" I hissed

" Now now" Snape warned " anymore and i'll take house points of Gryffindor"

" Aren't you going to take off house points for Flint's behaviour?" Oliver asked

" Why should i do that Mr. Wood?" Snape asked

" Cause he's been giving me scarky comments and bullying me ever since Year 1, especailly in your class because you let Slytherin get away with anything" I replied " So for once take points off your own house"

" I dont recall your name being Mr. Wood, Mrs. Evergreen" Snape replied " But what are you implying?"

" I'm implying" I shouted anger boiling up inside me " You have allways been happy to take as many points of any other house as you like but when it comes to your house your reluctant to even remove one"

" 10 points from Gryffindor" Snape scowled

" You can take as many points off as you like but that doesnt hide the truth" I shouted

" Next time it will be 50" Snape scowled

" Still doesnt hide that i'm right" I replied

" Mrs. Evergreen" Snape scowled " If you are not happy with the way i teach i sugguest you leave"

" Happily" I spat storming out

As i was about to run outside i remembered something Lupin had said and went to his classroom

" I thought i told you to go to Potions" He smiled as i entered

" Yea" I nodded " Marcus was teasing me and out of anger i insulted Proffesor Snape"

" Oh" Lupin frowned

" Can i help you set up for the next lesson?" I asked

" There's nothing to do really" Lupin smiled " Would you like to talk about what Marcus said?"

" It would make feel better" I nodded before explianing to Lupin how Marcus had bullied me since first year and how he's allways called me a mud-blood

" So after all these years" Lupin asked " Why are you lashing out now?"

" I dunno" I shrugged " I guess it's cause after all these years i've finally hade enough and i though i could last till the end of this year, till the end of school but i cant"

" It's understandble" Lupin nodded " Do you want me to keep a eye on him next lesson?"

" No thanks, it's ok" I smiled " I just needed someone to talk to about it"

" I'm glad you chose to come to me" Lupin smiled

I smiled back, for some reason i felt like i could tell Proffesor Lupin anything which is very unusual for me and the first thought that popped into my head was that i might be developing a crush on him but i discounted it straight away thinking it was absurd.

He was a Proffesor after all.

I couldnt be in love with a Proffesor could i?

In Love with a WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now