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I happily chatted to Proffesor Lupin till the bell rang and my class was starting to flood into the room

"Ok" Lupin started as i ran to stand by Oliver " Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?"

" Yes" I nodded my hand shooting up " Its a creature who turns into what you fear most"

" Whats a boggarts original form?" Lupin asked

" No-one knows" i replied

" Well done" Lupin smiled " 10 points to Gryffindor"

" Why didnt you come back to Potions?" Oliver asked

" I dont need a reason i just did what i felt would help me" I replied " And that meant not going back to Potions"

" Line up and get ready to meet and defeat your boggart" Lupin ordered

So all the class went into a line with Marcus at the front and Oliver and Me behind him

I walked as Marcus's boggart turned into a range of animals but finally settled on a Panthet which was the animal my patronus was which made Me and Oliver burst out laughing

" Whats so funny Evergreen?" Marcus asked, we usually used each others surnames when we were especailly pissed

" Your scared of the animal of my patronus" I replied " Therefore your scared of me Flint"

" Why would i be scared off you?" Marcus asked

" Because i'm way more clever, powerfull and more able to make allies and i've got one ability you havent" I replied

" Whats that?" Flint asked

" I'll leave you to find out" I smiled

The ability i had was i was a animagus, i became one when i was 15, i'm a illegal one of course cause no-one would of agreed to give a 15 year old that gift.

Next up was Oliver, his boggart turned into Voldemort and when he shouted Ridikulus, Voldemort/boggart inflated like a baloon untill it finally burst

When i walked up, i allready knew what my boggart was going to be and i was worried, worried other people would finally find out my secret.

As the boggart saw me it turned into me

:" Hermione i dont want to here it" i shook marching away from my cousin who was trying desperately to comfort me

" So what?" Hermione asked " You let your anger out and attacked Flint, that git had been bullying you for years i think he deserved it"

" He did" i nodded " But Hermione you dont understand, i cant get angry cause of the ability i have"

Hermione was about to say something when Marcus covered in blood barged passed her

" Evergreen" Flint hissed " Think you could get away with that?"

" Marcus stop" i frowned

" No" Marcus shook " i wont stop for a filthy mud-blood like you"

" I'm warning you" I warned

" What can a mud-blood do to me?" Flint asked

" I said stop" i yelled before turning into a panther, making Marcus gulp and run away screaming Monster behind him:

I froze, i could feel everyone staring at me

" Happy now you know?" I asked looking at Marcus then turning to the rest of the class " Now you all know, i'm a monster, ok"

" Chloe" Oliver started

" No Oliver" i shook " In my 1st transformation, i killed 2 people when i got anger when someone beat me up when i was 16 i turned and they landed up in hospital, i am a monster"

And with that i ran out the classroom and straight outside

" Mrs Evergeen" Lupin called 

" Go away Proffesor" I replied but the footsteps bellonging to Lupin only came closer " I'm guessing i'm gonna get expelled"

" No" Lupin replied " My friends at Hogwarts were animagus, illegal as well"

" Yea" I nodded " But they had a reason to become animagus"

" How do you know about that?" Lupin asked

" Proffesor" I laughed " I am friends with all of the weasleys and i've been to Head Quarters plenty of times and now i'm old enough i'm trying to persuade Mrs Weasley to consider passing the fact i want to join on"

" That doesnt answer the question" Lupin replied 

" First of all" I explianed " Before i met you i'd done some research about werewolves so i knew the scar on your face meant you were either a werewolf or you were scratched by one, second when i'd saw you at meetings you looked fine untill close to and on a full moon"

" Ravenclaw Alert" Lupin muttered

" What did you say Proffesor?" I laughed

" Nothing" Lupin smiled " Mrs. Evergreen..."

" Chloe" i corrected " i hate being called my last name"

" Chloe" Lupin nodded " i was wondering whether you would help me teach Harry the Patronus charm in the History of Magic classroom tommorrow after lunch"

" Sure" I nodded " Is that going to be our lesson tommorow?"

" Yes" Lupin nodded " Do you want to come back in the castle for Lunch?"

" They wouldnt want me there" i sighed

" Come on" Lupin smiled " You are brave and strong and shouldnt think about what others think"

" Your right" i smiled and i walked back into the castle and into the Great Hall followed by Lupin

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