Death Of A Dear Friend

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( Timeskip)

This was my first ever mission with the order, which came a little earlier than Remus and Sirius would of liked but when they and i heard Death Eaters had Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna once i heard the first 4 names everyone knew there was no stopping me.

So there i was, fighting the Death Eaters with the rest of the order.

Of course i rescued Hermione first cause she was family but when i saw everyone else was safe i went over to help Harry and Sirius fight Bellatrix as i saw they were struggling but by the time i reached them what i dreaded had allready happened, Bellatrix had killed Sirius and was now laughing like the maniac she was.

Both Remus and i held Harry while he was crying out and trying to free himself to run after Bellatrix and when he finally did, i went to run after him but Remus held me back

" He could die" I screamed " You saw how easily Bellatrix killed a skilled wizard, how easy do you think it will be for her to kill Harry, he is only 15"

" Your in no fit state to go after him" Remus sighed

" No-body is but someone has too" I shook pulling myself out of reach " Harry is like a little brother to me and it will be my fault if he dies, i swore after his first encounter with evil i would allways protect him, Hermione, Ron and even Ginny, Fred and George, their my friends for god sake Remus, i allready let one friend die"

" Its not your fault Sirius died" Remus shook on the brink of tears

" If i was quicker i could of saved him" I frowned

" Chloe" Remus shrugged pulling me into a hug " You tried your best"

" I know" I nodded

We stood there in silience before i heard a familiar cry

" Harry" I shouted running in the direction of his voice

As i reached him, i found him on the floor, eyes closed,  Dumbledore sat over him

" No no" I shook running over to Harry " Dont be dead, you cant die, well you can but you know what i mean"

" Is he?" I asked looking over at Dumbledore

" Voldemort entered his mind, Harry fought well, i'm not sure if hes dead or he's just passed out"

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