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It was true, the hat was going to put me in Ravenclaw but it sorted me into Gryfinndor cause i practically begged it too because all my friends were in there.

When Hermione was sorted i was suprised she was in Gryfinndor not Ravenclaw but i was glad we were in the same house.

She also unfortunately got called a mud-blood mostly from a boy called Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy was a pure-blood slytherin who was the same age as Hermione, Ron and Harry and he picked on anyone and everyone

His only friends were his two cronies Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle and they did everything he told them too and followed him everywhere.

He also sometimes was followed by a girl called Pansy Parkinson who was 100x worse than Draco when it came to teasing and bullying Me, Hermione, Ron, Harry and even Ginny, especailly Me and Hermione since to her we are " Filthy mud-bloods" who " don't deserve to be at this school".

I try not to listen to her so does Hermione but the first time Pansy called Hermione that she got very emotianal for awhile but after i cheered her up and gave her advice on how to ingnore Pansy she was fine

" We'll be there in 10 minutes" Proffesor Lupin replied as he entered the compartment and the train started to move agian.

" You ok now Harry?" Proffesor Lupin asked

" Yea" Harry nodded clearly confused at how Proffesor Lupin knew his name.

The next time Harry or any of us spoke was back in the common room after the feast

" i cant wait for DADA" Hermione smiled

" Yea" i nodded " i have DADA after Potions"

" I hope he's better than Lockhart" Harry replied reffering to Proffesor Lupin

" Anyone's better than Lockhart" i laughed remembering last year

Last year was by far the worst year ever not only because Hermione was petrified and Harry broke his arm but also because i had to deal with post everyday from a very worried Mrs and Mr Granger and all that was ontop of the stress and pressure studying for my NEWTS.

So after awhile of chatting we finnally said Goodnight and headed to our dorms

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