Marauders Map

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" Can i trust you with something?" I asked

Remus looked concerned but nodded

" Last night" I started " Sirius Black told me to meet me at the shreiking shack tonight"

" I know" Remus nodded

" How?" I asked

" This" Remus replied pulling out what looked like a spare peice of parchment out his pocket

" Thats a bit of parchment" I frowned

" No, watch, i solemly swear i'm up to know good" Remus stated putting his wand to it

" Marauders Map" I smiled " I've heard about that from Fred and George, how did you get it?"

" Confiscated it off Harry" Remus replied

" Did he tell you how he got it?" I asked

" No" Remus shook " Fred and George probably"

" Yea" i agreed but froze as i saw the name Peter Pettigrew on the map " Remus, isnt Pettigrew dead?"

" Yes" Remus nodded

" So whys his name on the map?"I asked

" It cant be...he's dead" Remus stutteted looking at Pettigrews name

" Remus" I explianed " Why dont you come with me to the shreiking shack tonight and we'll hear Sirius out, i know it's a full moon, so does Sirius so we'll be done well before you need to change"

Remus looked reluctant at first but eventually nodded

" Ok" I smiled " Now i am gonna go see Hagrid"

" See you tonight" Remus smiled as i left the classroom

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