Chapter 4

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When I get home  from work , I dont even expect to see Jason's car on the driveway .

I pull up near the door , I drop my purse on couch and I head to bed . This has been my routine for the past five months .

Remember when I said that I'd wait five months for him to come clean about everything?

Yeah well he's holding on to the truth like a dog holds on to a bone .

More like the way you're holding on to him.
My subconscious adds . Oh shut it .

It's been five months of being distant and not talking to him, expecting him to tell me the truth and he just won't budge .

I walk straight into our bedroom and when my head hits the pillow , I immediately fall asleep  .

I feel someone or something hit my forehead softly . Did someone just kiss my forehead? Stupid Jason!

I drift back to sleep . I wonder why I dont have any dreams . It's been like this since I was a toddler . Hearing other kids talk about how they dreamt of riding unicorns and being fairies . While I just ... slept .

BEEP ... BEEP ... BEEP!!

Ugh  , what is that awful sound . Oh ,  yeah right . It's my alarm , I have to get to work . Why cant it be Saturday!!!

I get up from the bed and then I head to bathroom,  I do my morning routine .

After that , I make my "husband " breakfast . When I'm done making waffles I move them from the pan , when I reach for the last one , he walks in on cue .

"Morning Cassiey ." He says to me .

"Morning Jason ." I say back . Here it goes .




He reaches in for a kiss , see unlike months ago , I dont duck down anymore . I just walk away and let him smooch the thin air . He grunts and then mumbles something to himself .

I walk up the stairs , but as I reach the second stair up . His voice stops me .

"Why are you so distant ?" He asks me . Oh? So you caught on but you still refuse to tell the truth . Boy!!!

"I dont know what you're talking about ." I say to him . I want to see how much he's picked up so far .

" Yes you do . Cassiey you dont even eat breakfast with me anymore . What is happening ." He asks . Oh dont act like you care. 

" Like I said , I dont know what you're talking about ." I say to him and then continue walking up the stairs to change. 

After throwing on a black pencil skirt and a pink blouse , I walk back downstairs and to my car .

Not fast enough because I hear Jason mumble a goodbye to me in a sarcastic tone.

It's good to know that this affects him.  The drive to work is a bit exhausting. 

When I strut into the office building , I'm met by a wildly smiling Mariah , my assistant slash the receptionist for my company .

"Morning  Mariah."I say to her .

"Good morning boss ." She says to me .

"I've told you humorously that , when you call me that it makes me so old. " I say to her  and she nods then corrects herself .

I walk to the elevator and wait patiently for it to reach my floor . And when it dings . I walk out and straight to my office .

I find a man in his older twenties or early thirties . He stands up then reaches out his hand .

" I'm Hugh McKight , the owner of Mckight and Son ." He says with so much pride,  sometimes I question of I beam with that much pride whenever I talk about my companies .

We dive straight into business,  since he  is a new fellow for us , we have to fill him in on how we operate.  When I'm done , he is practically about to ask me to marry him.

" your son is going to be a lucky man to own not only such a legacy , but  a soon to be sky rocketed company. " I say to him.

"Daughter,  I have two daughters , one of them will take over , it's her choice if she wants to change it to McKight and Daughter ." He says once again with pride lifting his chest up high .

I nod , I have so much work to do today that , I dont even want to go home . Next week I'll be at Smith Industries the whole time . So I need to finish my work .

And just as expected  , I finish my work in time for clocking out .

The entire drive home , I just take in the city,  enjoying every moment of calm before the storm that is my house .

Speak of the devil and so it shall appear . My house comes to sight.  I groan and then walk into the house . When I get in, there's one in the house so that's my cue to go up to the office,  I still work to complete before next week .

When I'm done with mr McKight's budget  , it's now 2 : 45 am that's weird , I didn't hear his door slamming , wow this is the latest.

You know what, I'm not even going to wait . I head down the hall to the bedroom.  And with that I fall asleep


My hand presses off and I jump off the bed . The empty bed .

What?! He didn't come home ? What on earth . He always comes home even when it's late.

I walk down the stairs in frustration . Why does he have to be like this . Why cant we just get along and live happily ever after ?

Ugh shoot , life is a complication . Wow ! 

I fry  bacon and eyes , and soon enough,  I'm done and I am eating .

My mind drifts off to the man who claims to love me , who claims to want me , yet he wants ten other women .

I shove the last bacon  bit inside my mouth. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by an all too familiar voice.

"You didn't leave some for me ?" Jason asks , cocking his head .

"Breakfast is for those who sleep in their own beds at night. " I say to him .

Then I walk up stairs , throw on a blue Jean and a puffy purple sweatshirt  with white sneakers  .

I tie my hair into a messy bun and then go downstairs,  to find him nibbling on the cookies I made yesterday morning .

Curse my thoughtfulness , I wanted him to starve . I know he doesn't know how to do anything for himself but i had to leave cookies in there .

I pick up my purse from the couch and then head to my mothers

Authors note

Thank you to everyone who is reading and recommending my book , I appreciate the effort.  ❤🤲

I've been ranked  #124 in category:Jail . All thanks to you guys.  Thanks again  .😭

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