Chapter 34

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I have no idea what Ace and I are . Hell , I have no idea if I feel as intensely as he does . I do know that I enjoy spending time with him .

Ace is very sweet , he's also very caring . He is always here.  We don't really talk about our pasts , but I have a little bit of information on him .

Life is really taking a twist on us . Last week Genna offered to give us couple counciling . I remember how unsettled she seemed .

"So you and Ace are a thing huh?" She asked , her top lip twitching .

"We're some-thing ." I replied, chuckling.

She nodded then gulped loudly . I looked at her and she averted her gaze toward the place where the sky kisses the tips of the mountains , the horizon .

"I could ... you know ... give you guys couple therapy ? " she insists still staring at the horizon .

"Really ? But I dont think we need it that much." I said . I knew that I wouldn't feel comfortable talking about my relationship with someone who knows me as a violent person .

"I just feel like considering your pasts , the both of you need to know each other more than you do now . And I'm willing to be the mediator , I'm willing to iron things out ." She said , then scurried away .

I was not sold on it , but when I raised the point to Ace and he thought that I'd be a great idea . So here we are , walking to the hall .

The big door squeaks as we push it open . Being welcomed by the light yellow-ness of the walls , the chairs are neatly packed over each other . The window let in natural air and the room is bright and feels like .

We walk to the far corner , toward Genna's office.  My heart begins thumping violently in my chest . Ace seems to notice that as he grabs my hand and squeezes it .

I look up at him and the content look on his face tells me that he too is nervous but is being brave for me . I inwardly coo . That's soo cute!!

He twists the bronze door and reveals the beautiful office . The walls are a light grey . There is a bookshelf to the far right and picture of all of us on the far right wall . The wall behind has her degree in councilling and what looks like an award .

In the middle of the room , sits a big sandy brown table , only carrying a cup of pens and a stack of papers . And a picture frame which is facing her .

Infront of the desk are two leather chairs . Ace and I plop our bodies onto the cold leather . We both face the big black leather chair Genna in sitting on .

She is facing the wall infront of us , holding to big arched window which reveal the garden and other prisoners working .

She turns and faces us . A smile dances on her face .

"Welcome , beautiful day isn't it ?" She asks , thumb pointing to the view behind her .

We both nod . A clear sign that we are both very nervous . Her smile grows even wider .

"Come on! Loosen up . Let me start small . What do you like about your partner?" She asks . Folding her expression into a professional one .

"Uh ." I blab first .

"He's very caring , he's intelligent . He listens to me when I talk , he understands me and also tries to understand why I do the things I do . The way he looks at me , it's so... loving ." I say then I turn to him and he has the very look I'm talking about.

"He can stand me when I'm annoying . He makes me feel like I'm enough . He says all the right things . He's goddamn sexy , he speaks his mind and he eats vegetables when I tell him to . " I say to her . He chuckles , and she just looks at me blankly .

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