Chapter 13

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Sleep has come really easy on me since the first day of the case . Kerrie says the next one will be in a week .

Its been a week. I spent most of my time with Peter the guard , either playing chess or reading books then telling each other about them .

He knows that I'll be heading to the state prison in a few weeks , so he spends alot of time with me .

I miss momma , she hasn't called or visited.  But yet again who can blame them , I told Bethany never to bring her here . They're both just following my rules .

You did this to yourself

Those words she had said ring in my mind everytime I think of her . I've disappointed her and poppa .

Tomorrow is the second day of the case . I'm not really eager honestly,  I dont even want to go but Kerrie says I have to attend every case just to prove that I'm cooperative.

Well I guess I have to go . At the moment ,I'm kicking Peter's butt at chess , he's not a sore loser . He's honestly really fun . Someone I should have met in the real world .

"I win !!! I took your King! I win !!" I scream in his face , he burst out laughing and so do I.

"You dont have to rub it in." He says between his deep laughter.

"Oh but I do." I say in a fake English accent.  Which causes him to laugh so hard that he falls on his back .

I enjoy spending time with him . He is so fun and funny too . And if I'm not wrong he enjoys spending time with me too.

"Whuu , haven't laughed like that in a while ." I say wiping away the fake tears .he chuckles .

"Niether have I. " he says .

"You should get to resting,  you have a case in four hours . Yes it five a.m ." He says in his guard tone .

"Yes sir ." I reply to him with a smile . He nods then gets out of the cell , he locks it then nods  .

"I'm gonna miss you Smith." He says over his shoulder.

"Me too sir." I say to him .

"Oh shut the fuck up." A raspy voice says . Which causes me to chuckle , another chuckle sounds from down the hall .

"Sorry ." I whisper . The owner of the voice mumbles something.  I'm guessing I've been sworn at severely. This is fun . I hope state prison  is like this too.

I close my eyes and lay my head on my bench bed . Sleep takes over me . I drift into the sound of nothingness.  Exactly what I need .

"Cassandra ." Someone whisper- yells .

"Aww , cant a person get some sleep . I mean I just fell asleep ." I say frustrated.

"Umn no , its eight thirty . I dont think or want to think that you just fell asleep ." I'd recognize that peppy voice from anywhere .

Kerrie .

"Kerrie what the fuck do you want ." I ask . Internally groaning . I just remembered that I have a case today . Damn it .

"No , you know what . Dont answer that ." I say getting up . She hands me a bag of cosmetics and clothes .

I go and get prepared  . Within a few minutes , I look gorgeous,  it doesn't even look like I'm in prison.

In black dress pants , a white dress shirt and a red blazer,  I look like power itself. My hair is tightly pulled into a neat bun and with a striking red lipstick painted on   my  lips . I'm good to go .

In under thirty minutes , we're at the court . Kerrie leads us into the courtroom we were in last week . When the double doors open , every eye turns to Kerrie and I. Mostly me , it feels like I'm walking down the aisle again .

Dont these people have lives , jobs or kids ? Because wow!

"Case starts in thirty minutes,  how are you feeling?" Kerrie asks .

I just raise my thumb at her . Dont think I forgot about last week .

"Come on Cassiey ,   dont tell me that you're still upset about last week" she says .

I raise my shoulders up and down . Honestly I'm not angry , it doesn't even bother me . I just really like being petty .

"I'm sorry . Please talk to me ." She says . I turn my head to the side .

"Cassiey ." She begs . I turn my face further.

"Cassiey,  please . I'll get you fast food ." She continues.  Oh curse it , I haven't had fast food since I came to this place .

"Fine , I'm fine ." I say . And as I say so , the door bursts open and the three fucker-teers walk into the room .

They all walk up to their places . After the stunt I pulled last week , it means I'll have to keep up with the sheraids .

I look over to Kayla,  who seems to be scrutinizing me . I wave at her with the sweetest smile painted onto my face . Jason looks pale .

Damn , what am I doing to these idiots . The bible guy walks in to the room and does what he does best . And that's yelling at us .

"All rise ." He yells .

We all rise as he says . I take the opportunity to view exactly what who is  wearing .

Jason is in a fitted Armani suit , no surprise there . Its Kayla who has caught my eye . She is wearing a brown leather knee length dress . The little printed letters on the dress are what tick me off .

It has the LV sign on it . And she's wearing it  . Kayla couldn't afford that dress even if she sold her organs . That could only mean one thing . Jason motherfucking asshat bought it for her .

Even when his wife is in prison  , struggling to keep it together . I mean I'm loosing my damn mind .

He's out here buying Louis Vuitton for skanks.  Fuck you Jason motherfucking Smith.

I bang my head repeatedly on the table .

"Oh can someone give a fucking break ." I say a little too loudly.

Kerrie nudges me , I snap my mouth closed but my head remains on the table .

Someone please kill me or kidnap me . PLEASE !

Author's note

Sorry for not updating all this time . I'm thinking that you guys should suggest a bearable pattern that I should update according to . And also please notify me if you see any grammatical errors 🙏😪

What do you think of this chapter ? What are the noticable changes in Cassandra's character? Drop the answers down at the comment section .🧚‍♀️❤

And again , you can follow me on Instagram @its.nic._

Note : I will only be posting after 200 followers .

Thanks again

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Nic275 😚

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