Chapter 29

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Its finally the festive seasons.  Yep , I've been in prison for almost eleven months . My life is literally very easy . I spent time with Isabella when she's not with Anthony.  I watch Donny paint and then sessions with Genna .

I avoid Ace at all costs . Dont want to be called ugly anymore . At the moment I'm with Genna having one of our one on one sessions .

The sessions have become way better and bearable.  Genna asks me what I want to talk about , and when I don't know what to say , she asks me what I dont want to talk about then she avoids them .

"Genna , I'm ready to talk about him without crying ." I say . Her face lights up and she smiles .

" I want to admit that I have a tattoo of his name on my back . And I've made the huge decision that I'm going to remove it .

Last time you asked me why I still love him -loved him. I loved him because I believed that I'd be nothing without him , he has a piece of me . He makes me feel like I'm enough .

Remember I told you that I always wanted to be like Kayla? He makes me feel like I'm way better than them . Outside that I dont want anything else in my life .

I know that I'm stupid for loving him but I just couldn't  find a reason not to love him.  But now I see it , why would I love someone who intentionally hurts me ?

I dont love him , I hate him! I hate his guts ! And I want to make him pay for shit that he did to me! And you know what Genna?

I love me , because unlike Kayla , I dont advertise my assets to everyone . I keep them for my husband . I dont need any make up or skimpy clothes .

I love me exactly the way I am , because I'm amazing . Jason doesn't deserve me , I'll find someone who does .

Thank you so much Genna , I would have never realised just how amazing I am . Thank you so much ." I say puffing my chest out .

"Cassandra , you are not fully over it if you still want to make him pay ." She says ever so gently .

"You wouldn't understand Genna , you'd never understand.  But I dont love him anymore , and I dont cry anymore when I think about him . Mission accomplished. " i say then get up and leave .

It's almost sunset . I dont have much to do , so I decide to do something I'd never thought I'd do .

I see Donny in the art gallery,  I wave at him and his face beams . The most jolly prisoner I've ever met .

"Don , where can I find old man Jay?" I ask .

"The second floor , first door on the left ." He says , although smilingly .

"Thank you." I say , picking up my pace . Pushing my legs to walk as fast as they can so that I dont change my mind before I get there .

When I get to the second floor.  I quickly avert my eyes to the door on the left . I knock once and then enter , I mean he cant be naked right ? There 24 hour surveillance.

It is evident that he is not here . As I'm about to walk out , I hear laughter booming from the hallway . And then the door opening .

Immediately,  old man Jay's face scrunches up in confusion .

"Cassiey ? What are you doing here?" He asks.

At the mention of my name , two more bodies appear behind him . Anthony and Ace .

Anthony's face lights up and he waves , I wave back . Ace's face hardens . He just stares at me .

And guess what the petty goddess does in return? I glare right back .

"Hi Anthony , Hi Jay . " I say completely ignoring Ace's presence.

"I want to cover up a tattoo or remove one . Either way ." I say . Lucky for me I'm wearing two piece oranges instead of the jumpsuit,  or else I'd be butt naked infront of two men and a gorilla that's somehow considered a human .

I raise the shirt high enough for them to see . The tattoo is written Jason in cursive.

A hear a sharp intake . And then I look back at the three men who are currently observing my back side .

Anthony and Jay are staring at the tattoo,  and racking their eyes over each detail of it . And Ace is glaring at it ,if its ugly just say so motherfucker.

"So can you cover it up?" I ask .

"Well yes . Just lie down over there , and I'll be back in a few ." He says .

"Uh,  I have to go to . I have a date with Isabella ." Anthony says .

Which leaves Ace and I together and alone  . Wow , the dream . I say sarcasm dripping from every word , or thought I dont know .

"I didn't take you for the tattoo type , you seem very innocent ." He says . Smiling .

"I didnt take you for the oblivious type , dont you see that I dont like you?" I say .

"Come on Cass , cant we be friends ? I know you get bored when Isabella is on a date." He urges .

He is telling the truth . So why dont I try. I nod looking unsure .

"Meet me at the rooftop after you get your tattoo . " He says then he leaves .

Old man Jay comes in with a small box in his arms.  He smile and says

"Be ready . Might sting." He says .

"I've gotten a tattoo before , I know the sting ." I say,  chuckling .

He chuckles too and then his cold arms touch the small of my back . The buzz of the machine fill my ear as he starts pocking the little dots onto my skin .

It does feel a little painful , but nothing new .

And then the sound takes me back to a memory , I had forgotten ever so slightly .

Jason holding my hand as the tattoo artist engraved his name onto my back.  He kept on kissing and me and repeating the words "dont cry baby , its okay " .

Author's note .

How was this chapter , do think Ace and Cassandra would make good friends? Tell me everything !!🙏❤

I have new book ideas which I'll be advertising as time goes on and I hope to hear your thoughts on it . 🥰

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