Chapter 45

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"Hey babe?" I call .

"Yea?" Ace replies .

"You know those cute names couples do ? Like merging their names?" I ask .

"Yea , I know them . Why what's up?" He replies .

"I just realised that when I merge ours , they all sound wrong .

When I merge mine with yours , I get Cace . Which is weird because we're both from jail , and when I match yours with mine . I get Aass.  Like no." I say and we both laugh .

"Where do you come up with all of that?"  He asks laughing at me .

I shrug.  Were's in the shower and preparing for work .

He washes my hair . And then rinses it.

"All good babe." He says laughing.

He looks down at me , and smiles at the little bump on my stomach .

"Cant believe that he's already been in there for two months. " He says  smiling . He kneels down and kisses the belly , I feel the little guy moving.

"So cute." I whisper ,feeling a bile rising in my throat . And I begin sniffing .

He doesnt say anything , he just hugs me . Then kisses my wet hair . How I've waited to this day .

To be pregnant , with my hubby and just being happy . I'm about to go full out crying , but then I remember how late we're running.

As soon as we're out of the shower and in our clothes we walk out of the house .

Within twenty minutes , we're in the underground parking . We walk out and today , I feel gorgeous.

"Morning." I say when we pass by the receptionist.

We head to the office , sitting adjacent to each other , he looks at me and smiles .

"Are you okay? Is the chair comfortable? Do you need a foot rub? Come on babe , talk to me ." He asks .

Lately he's been acting really weird . The wedding is coming up in almost a week and he's been leaving and coming home late .

When I ask where he's been , he'll tell me not to worry . For someone whose been cheated on , I sure as hell am not ready to go through this again, especially being a pregnant woman.

And then he gets so panicky,  like he wonders if I'm comfortable,  if my stomach isn't painful . If the baby is okay .

Like Ace.

He stares at me.

"You are so beautiful ." He says with a smile.

I feel so happy yet vulnerable when it comes to this man. Love is truly a loosing game .

Soon enough,  he tell me that he has to leave again . I'm not sure what he's up to , but I swear I'm not going to condone bullshit .

If you've never seen a pregnant woman throw some kicks and punches,  you're about to see one .

Speaking of pregnant , I'm now two months and two weeks pregnant . I've started to feel my baby move around .

Although the bump is not prominent , it's very visible when I'm naked .

Ace literally stared at me everytime he sees me walking around naked .

Soon enough it's time to head home.  I pick up my keys from the table and begin leaving.  On the way to the elevator , I hear clicking from behind me .

I turn and see Kayla and her friend laughing at something of their own. And then they turn at me and then look back at each other and burst out into louder laughter.  Petty.

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