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I know y'all are wondering what the competition I spoke of on the author's note of chapter 58. I promised more details , here they are!😁


• You'll be given a set of questions based on the book so far, you are not at all allowed to scroll back - that's cheating 😆!- all answers should be on the comment section NOT! the message board!!!!

• The last question is an instruction for you to pitch an idea for an additional chapter to the book , be free and open to using wild ideas . I will pick three which you - the readers- would have written.  I will post them , and you will be required to vote . The one with the most votes , will be updated right after the Epilogue.

How to vote?
   Easy , just comment a SINGLE  emoji next to your favourite idea ! You can only pick one!

• Remember to have fun , this is all for the fun of it . I know how hard it is to part with Cass and Ace so , we'll just keep it going .

Pop Quiz!!!!

1. What was Momma's motto for ladies?

2. What is the name of the show Cass got home to watch when she returned from a visit to Michigan?

3. What is Bethany's profession?

4. What was the nickname for Kayla's lawyer that Cass gave?

5. What was the brand Kayla wore to one court case date that angered Cass?

6. Who was the guard that Cass befriended at the holding cell?

7. Who almost raped Cass in prison?

8. How old was Ace when they met?

9. Where did they go for they're honeymoon?

10. Pitch your ideas lovies!!!!!😁❤

Super excited to hear from y'all!!!!!

Author's note .

I'd appreciate everyone's participation,  to make this more fun and interesting.  Cant wait to hear from y'all,  I know you got steaming ideas.  😚❤

Btw , if you have any questions you can asks them on the message board . I'll try to be quick with replies. 🥰


Nic275 🧚‍♀️💍😻

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