Chapter 37

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Please scroll down and read chapter 36 first. There has been a mix up , but I promise I'll fix it after my exams. Enjoy!❤

"How are you feeling ? " he asks . Rubbing my shoulder .

Butterflies are erupting in my stomach and my tongue feels dry . My mouth feels pale and my head is pounding .

"I feel nervous. " I say to him . Ace nods and kisses my head.

"I'm going to miss you so much.  In the past five years,  I've been so happy here and I'm sad to admit that I actually wanted it to last forever . I cant believe that you're being released tomorrow ." He says .

Last week Genna and the board called me to the hall . They informed me that my release had been granted and I'd be out in a week. Of course I was excited  but I worried for Ace . And my mental wellbeing in the outside world .

But finally , I'm getting out . I've spent the entire day pacing about . Wondering how it'd be for me  , for Ace .

But now he's comforting me , telling me that it's all going to be alright .

" Look Cass , I know that you are going to do well in outside world.  I trust you . I know this and I believe in you . And I know that in that pretty little head , all you're thinking about is me and my release . But I'll survive.

I waited five years for you , what's a month? Just sleep okay ? It's all going to be alright . And you know what? You're going to get a head start of our new life together . Sleep." He command with a smug look on his face .

Honestly,  I don't want to go out without Ace , but I dont have a choice . It's either I go out on the day they give me or I stay here forever. 

I nod and lie back down on his bed . Ever since Isabella got released , it didnt feel right to sleep in the room we once shared , so for five months I slept in here .

The entire night , I spent tossing and turning on the bed . My stomach erupting with butterflies and sweat heaving from my body . And dawn finally came .

After taking a shower for the last time , a guard -whose name I've learnt is Melissa - hands me the clothes I walked in here in .

Ace is standing outside the door of the bathroom when I walk out,  in loose white pants , a loose white blouse and a white blazer and white heels . My hair tied into a ponytail .

Instead of when I came in here , my face is not smothered in make up . For the first time , my face is natural and I actually love it and I'm keeping it .

"See you in a month ." Is all he says . Then locks me to a tight embrace . Behind him , I see old man Jay  smiling weakly at me and waving , I return a small smile .

Tears burn my eyes as I look up at him . He nods then kisses my forehead , cheeks then lips .

"Bye baby." He says . The turns and walks straight to Jay's side . I wave at them as the guard takes me toward the forest .

We walk for a few minutes until a fence appears . And on that fence there's a little door and a guard standing there . He inserts the key and turn it . Opening the door for me .

He nods . Melissa holds my shoulder , and I turn back to face her .

"Use your freedom wisely ." She says , the shoos me away . And so I walk .

A red Chevrolet sedan stands outside the gate.  The driver comes out and embraces me .

"Oh , Cassiey . I missed you so much ." She says .

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