Chapter 6

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After driving like a mad man through the streets of Michigan,  nearly crashing into an elderly . Dodging two police cars . It's been crazy .

When I got to the hospital , I nearly choked the receptionist when she gave me an attitude , when I asked for my mother's room .

I got to her room in a breeze . When I got there she was awake and smiling weakly at me .

The doctor said she got overwhelmed which caused her to hyperventilate.  She fainted due to lack of oxygen.

She got discharged because it was nothing serious . When we got to the house , Beth had to go , so I made momma dinner and then tucked her to bed .

And with that I went to bed too. Sleep came easy for me since I was exhausted . This time there is no beeping to wake me .

I know my alarm annoys momma so much , so I had to switch it off . When I wake up it's now nine am . Two hours late.

I throw on some sweats I had left in the house before I moved out and my tshirt from college.

I walts down the stairs and immediately the ivory coloured walls engulf me in a hug . Pictures of my parents hang on the walls .

One catches my eye . They both look very young , the background is at the fair and their two pale faces are grinning goofily at me . I look alot like dad , but with my mothers toned skin .

My grandfather was African American and my grandmother was white.  My mother is now coloured and since my father was white,  the melanin from my mothers skin did not extend to me .

When I get to the beautiful yellow and grey kitchen , I hear my mother's soft voice humming a familiar tune . My lullaby.

She's made breakfast.  And she's playing it now . I got my cooking skills from my mother and me being on time everyday . My mother doesn't even use an alarm , she says she feels it when it's time to wake up.  And she spread this motto to me that made me such a good timekeeper .

A tardy lady is an untidy lady. 

So I never wanted to be late ever in my life . I walk in the kitchen  she looks up then smiles a guilty ,  toothy smile . She knows she's not supposed to be up .

"Good morning baby. " she says .

"Morning Momma , now I know that I told you not to wake up early . Oh my gawd , momma you cleaned up? Why you're supposed to be resting ." I scold her .

" Oh hush Cassandra , whose the momma here?" She playfully glares .

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask her . She nods and then pushes the plate of pancakes and bacon to me . I begin eating , I notice she's put an extra dish out . Before I can ask who it's for.  Bethany walks in .

"Good morning Family!!" She sings very loudly and frankly very badly too.

She kisses my Momma's cheek and then goes in for a hug.  Then she engulfs me in a suffocating hug too.

Momma excuses herself to get dresses . And Beth gets closer to me . We're like sisters .

"Girl , you will not believe what my man's baby momma did ." She says and then she dives deep into the story .

Even though Beth is a white girl , she was adopted by a black old woman and she's grown up like all of us here . She did not have all those other privileges that we expect her to have .

Her boyfriend is Michael and unfortunately  Michael had a child when he was still on high school.  Which the mother of the child is Michigan's craziest  Keke Johnson.

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