Chapter 35

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3 years later.

"... due to ongoing observation on your behavior , the board and I have decided that you will be granted your release in seven months . Of course you will still be closely watched .

One mistake , just one Mrs Smith –" I cut her off.

"Ms Miller." I grit out.

"– Mrs Smith,  is all it takes for us to deny your release.  I personally will be keeping a close eye on you , whatever you do and whenever you do it , I will know. " Genna continues as if she was never interrupted .

I nod , I weigh out what she's just said . That is completely irrelevant as I dont even cause trouble around the place .

"I understand Genna ." I say . She tightly smiles .

"That would be all for today Mrs Smith. " she stresses the last word .

I carry my feet out of the hall and towards the building we spend nights sleeping in . Seven months , I will be out of here in seven months .

It's all so surreal , I just dont believe it . I'm both excited and scared .

Will I survive? What about Kayla and Jason? Will I see them together? And if I do , will I care? Will it hurt me? Will I do something stupid that'll lend me in here again?

It's all so confusing . What if I come back here and Ace gets out ?

Stop with the what ifs already!

My mind scolds , you're right .

I skip hurriedly up the stairs , unlike all those months ago . I'm not breathing like a hairdryer when I get to my door .

Ace and I decided to start jogging almost two years ago . I'm feeling very fit , but I haven't lost any weight .

When I reach my room,  I find Ace pacing about . When he notices the movement of the door , his eyes look up to me . The eyes that are usually warm are now frantic and scared .

"How did it go?" He asks.  His voice rushed .

He told me almost a week ago that it's possible for the board to deny me early release if they feel that I am not ready for the real world . So the both of us were super scared .

"Guess whose being released in seven months !" I say and jump into his embrace . He hold me tight and kisses my head .

"Oh , I'm so happy for you baby." He says and my heart flutters , that name does things to my body .

I look up to him and catch his lips with mine . He thrusts his tongue into my mouth and moves it slowly , my panties become damp . His arms rome around my waist and then moves lower to my ass .

One squeezes my ass cheeks , while the other caresses my back . My hands caress his chest .

He groans into the kiss as my fingers play with the band of the orange pants . I dip one of my hands into the pants and hold him in my hand .

His manhood is unsurprisingly big , but what catches me by surprise is how hard it is . Jason had never been that hard . I move my fingers to grip his dick softly .

His head falls to the nick of my neck.  He slowly kissed it . My head loosens on his dick , my head is thrown back .

His kisses grow wetter and wider.  His hand goes from my waist to my breast , he lightly squeezes my nipple .

"I want you now." I breathe . And suddenly he halts .

"What's wrong?" I ask . He sighs .

"Dont get me wrong baby , I want you bad too . I just dont think its ideal for us to have sex for the first time in  jail . And you're still married . I'm sorry Cass , I love you but I'm comfortable with doing that ." He says in my ear .

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