Chapter 52

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Jason's POV

So Cassandra is missing? Its honestly heartbreaking. I know that she wants nothing to do with me and I deserve it but that doesnt mean I cant care for her.

I'd hate to be in Ace's shoes , whoever did this deserves to go to jail .

At the moment I'm driving to their apartment. Ace asked for my help , and I agreed.

I'm not trying to get to Cassiey anymore. I'm learning and growing from my past experiences and I'm even trying to build something with Kayla . But I will always be there for Cassandra , that's the least I can do .

Lincoln Luxury, that's where they've been living all these months.

The gate opens for me without questions, the guards know . I'm their boss.

I knock on the door number he sent me .

He pulls the door open , in sweats and a white tshirt. He looks completely broken. Who wouldnt .

"Hey man." I say breaking the silence . He nods and opens the door further.

How I'd kill to be as cool as this guy. He has this authoritative aura , but also the bad boy you dont want to mess with.

When my feet touch the herringbone floors , I immediately feel welcomed . The apartment looks modern but also very homey and welcoming .

It is combined with bright colours , bold materials and queer decorations . Very Cassiey .

He points to the chair infront of him and that tells me that I should just sit my ass down.

I pull the chair . Its really impressive how clean he's kept this place , Cassiey has been missing for five days . If it were me , the house would be trashed.

"How are you holding up?" I ask him. He scrunches his eyebrows up.

"I'm not the one you should be worried about Jason . I'm safe , my wife isn't. " He says , almost as if he's yelling at me.

I'm still not used to him calling her that . I'm used to her being my wife. Guess life goes on.

"I'm sorry man , I'm just trying to make conversation . You do understand how hard it is for me right?

You and I have never been pals. I'm here because I care about Cassiey , and I want to help you. " I say to him , he nods .

"Look , Kim came up with a few ideas . Like searching warehouses and abandoned buildings . I think that's a great idea . So I think that's where we should start . " He says and I nod .

It makes sense .

"My car or yours?" I ask .

"Yours , I'm not in the right state of mind to be driving ." He replies .

I'd kill to be this guy. He is literally perfect .

We get into my car and begin driving . Along the way down town , we see an abandoned Bread warehouse.

"Get in." He says lowly , shivers run down my spine . What the fuck.

I park my car near the warehouse .

He literally jumps out of my car the moment I hit the breaks . He pushes the door open and fishes for his phone in his pocket .

He turns on the flashlight and walk deep into the warehouse , in a crouched position .

I follow suit , there's not much inside . Just a few barrels and old packets of organic flour .

"Empty." He says walking back to me .

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