Chapter 21

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~ Not Edited ~

Liam was home for a short leave, about two weeks before he would leave again for another two to three months. "good morning beautiful." Liam whispered, kissing Niall's head once he'd arranged to get himself home. Niall had had a tough day, and it was about one in the morning, of course he'd be sleeping. Liam wanted to surprise the boys, and Niall, again.

"Mum?" Niall muttered, confused as to why his mum would be calling him beautiful, or in his house none the less.

"No sweetheart." Liam chuckled. "m'home." he whispered, kicking off his shoes, sliding under the blankets with Niall. He didn't bother changing into pyjama's. Niall snuggled into Liam's chest, too tired to even function, let alone know Liam was the one talking to him. Maybe he thought it was a dream. Because when he woke up, with arms around him, he about had a heart attack. Until he thrashed around and hit Liam's chest, jolting him awake. "Woah princess!" Liam laughed, his voice raspy from sleep. "what're you hitting me for?"

"when did you get here!" Niall shouted, happily though.

"Early this morning." Liam said softly and Niall smiled at him.

"Daddy! Cyson awake! I goin' school!" Cyris shouted from outside the door, Niall catching a glimpse at the time.

"Sh*t." Niall muttered and moved out of the bed hurriedly opening the door.

"Letting him stay home one day isn't going to matter much is it love?" Liam smiled at his distraught love and chuckled a bit. Niall just grinned some.

"I suppose not." he said softly. "Cyris? love why don't you go put your jammies back on and come give daddy a cuddle." Niall poked his head out of the door and smiled softly.

"I not goin' school?" Cyris asked, dropping his bookbag. He'd let his little brother stay in his room last night, and Cyson was struggling with pushing the door open, suddenly more fascinated with his little toes as he pushed it open.

"No, both of you come here and cuddle with daddy." Niall said softly and Cyson giggled. Pointing at the ceiling.

"Da! Da!" he giggled, stomping his little feet. Niall laughed a little and picked up the toddler, whom some time during the night had shed his t shirt and shorts, leaving him in his nappy.

"Cyson come here baby boy." Niall laughed and Cyson raised his arms giggling, wanting daddy to come get him, but Cyris just grabbed his baby brother's arm and dragged him towards daddy's room. "Cyris be nice to your brother." Niall sighed when he picked up the little boy.

"He being weird." Cyris giggled, unbuckling his braces and kicking out of his jeans as he walked to daddy. His legs not being all that bad today, he was just wearing his braces to school (just in case). When Cyson saw papa he squealed and made his little grabby hands towards the man, just lying in bed.

"Pa! Pa!" Cyson giggled. Cyris and his little y-front clad bottom looked and saw his papa, automatically delighted. But he remembered that daddy said they had to be careful around papa.

"I go give papa hugs?" Cyris whispered and Niall nodded, setting Cyson on the bed, allowing the little boy to toddle over and fall against his papa's chest. Cyris climbing up in bed and snuggling into his papa. "missed you!" he had little tears in his eyes and Cyson was just giggling, hugging Liam's neck tightly.

"Aw baby boy, don't cry." Liam whispered and kissed his head gently. "I missed you too. I missed you and your brother and your daddy." he whispered and Niall smiled from where he sat, moving to join his family.


Cyris, Cyson, Niall, and Liam, all spent the day in Niall and Liam's bed just laughing and giggling and enjoying their time together as a family. Niall had Cyson tucked up against his chest for a majority of the time. For one, Niall hadn't completely weaned him from nursing. A year old and still nursing from his daddy, it was normal some say. But Cyris didn't take him after feeding for about eight or nine months.

Liam had just rubbed Niall's back, hooking his chin over his shoulder as he watched the process. Niall found it odd, someone watching him feed his child. But Liam's missed out on so much, with Cyris, and with Cyson. So Liam watched how Cyson's little mouth attached itself to Niall's chest and he watched the little white liquid form in puddles at the edges of Cyson's lips.

"Papa not watch." Cyris giggled after a little and covered Liam's eyes, wanting his baby brother to at least have some privacy whilst he ate.

"Leave papa alone Cy, why don't you go get toys or something to play with?" Niall said softly and smiled at him. Cyris pouted.

"You not want me in here?"

"Of course I want you in here, but I want you to leave papa be for a little bit." Niall said softly and Cyris whined, rolling around in the covers until he cocooned himself up.

"Okay daddy." He pouted. Liam smiled quietly and went right back to watching Niall nurse Cyson. Niall sitting with his legs folded, Cyson's little bum in his lap as he had his body turned towards Niall's. His little hands pressed against Niall's chest and tummy, trying to get more milk, because he was hungry.

"Woah there." Niall chuckled softly having to peel the baby from his chest, switching him around so he could even him out. "Hungry little thing arent ya?" Niall smiled quietly, brushing back his baby's hair. Liam just thought to himself.

He saw so much of Niall in Cyris, in Cyson. Cyson's right eye actually had little flecks of blue in it. Niall wouldn't tell you that. He'd say he had his papa's eyes. Niall didn't want to see himself in his babies. Liam could tell you that Cyson's skin was littered with little freckles, not so much Cyris'. Liam could also say that Cyson had the lightest skin colour, much like Niall's. That even though Niall's hair was artificially blonde, that Cyson had the lightest blonde hair.

Even though Liam's features overtook most of Cyris and Cyson's features, it was clear to Liam how much the boys actually looked like Niall. Now Cyris, he had a little dimple in his chin that he'd gotten from Niall. You could barely see it. Barely see it at all actually. Cyson looked more like Niall honestly. Although Niall would swear he looks just like Liam.

He did when he was a baby, but as he's gotten older, he starts looking more and more like a little Niall instead of a little Liam.

"Does it hurt?" Liam asked softly and Niall just shook his head a little.

"I actually find it kind of calming." he mumbled quietly. "I mean, it obviously hurts the first few weeks and all... and then it hurts if he uses those little teeth he has... but that's it." Niall whispered and rubbed Cyson's back, who had since closed his eyes. He'd fallen asleep there in Niall's arms and Liam only sighed.

He wish he could stay here with his family. He just wishes.


a/n: [1,211 words]

so this story has gotten pretty boring hasnt it?

don't worry.

it'll be up again soon.

oh and if anyone wants to leave ideas for ELA kindly inbox me bc im stuck.

Chapter Questions:

1. Liam's home now, only for a few weeks. So how do you think Liam is going to deal with this whole ordeal of leaving and then coming home and then leaving again? what do you think is going to happen with Cyris during this process, as he actually is trying to be close with his papa.

2. We found out before that Cyson doesn't have DMD but do you think he could have developemental issues? Or do you think he'll be "normal"?

3. What do you think is going to happen between Liam and Niall in these next few weeks?

So answer the questions, in detail pls. and comment whatever you want to so yeah.

-Celly Azad

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