Chapter 13

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~Not Edited~

Niall didn't sleep in the same room with Liam for a week after that. He flinched every time his husband kissed him good morning. He'd just looked at the bruises in the mirror and want to know why. He really did.

Liam hated seeing those. His hand prints around Niall's neck, the bruise on his cheek. As soon as he realised it was Niall under his grip, he let go. Niall coughed, and coughed, and coughed. He couldn't catch his breath. He didn't want Liam to touch him. He didn't want to sleep in the room with him. He didn't want to see him for the next entire day.

He hadn't meant to. He swears. He just... reacted. He felt like shit about it too. Who wants to have their spouse afraid of their touch? Who wants their lover to flinch when he kissed his temple. Who wanted Niall to cover up every inch of his beautiful skin, so he wouldn't risk anyone seeing what the person he loves did to him.

Niall was making their lunches, two sandwiches, and he had a scarf on. black skinnies, black boots, a black shirt and this brown scarf. It did cover up his neck, and the one on his cheek was fading. "Ni?" Liam whispered as he leaned against the counter.

"Yeah?" Niall asked softly and Liam walked over, wrapping his arms around Niall's waist. He did his best not to flinch.

"It's not your fault." Liam whispered and kissed his shoulder. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He said softly and then went on to make their sandwiches. "I just want you to get help."

"I want you to get help too." Liam said quietly, his chin resting on Niall's shoulder.

"I wasn't hurting anyone but myself with that Liam." he snapped a little, finally realising that he didn't want that kind of life any longer and he turned around in Liam's arms. He looked at him and Liam just looked right back, seeing the pain behind his words. "You hurt me... and you'll hurt Cyris if he accidentally scares you." Niall mumbled and Liam caught sight of the darkening marks on Niall's neck. "Please Lili." He looked close to tears. "get help. I-I'll go with you." he was almost begging and Liam just pulled back his scarf, Niall flinching slightly.

"Okay." Liam agreed softly and kissed Niall right over the darkest mark. He started pressing kisses along the rest of them and then the one right under his eye. "I am so extremely sorry prince."

"i know you are." Niall said quietly and just turned back around to grab their food.


Liam and Niall were sitting in Liam's doctors office. They'd been waiting for about five minutes actually in the examination room. Niall's hand on Liam's knee rubbing comforting circles there. Both of them silent.

"Mr Payne?" Dr Stein asked walking in the room, and both Niall and Liam looked up. Then Niall blushed, glancing back down.

"Yeah?" Liam asked softly.

"Well..." Dr Stein took a seat on the little spinning chair and gave them each a smile. "What's been bothering you?" he asked.

"Well..." Liam glanced at Niall and Niall closed his eyes pulling the scarf back some. Dr. Stein just looked at the both of them.

"Don't look at him like that." Niall snapped. "he didn't mean to."

"okay... tell me what he meant to do then Mister..."

"Payne. He's my husband." Niall continued and when Liam went to talk he just covered his mouth. "He's been fighting for you, for me, for our son, and every other god damn citizen of this country in some fvcking place that could have killed him. I've scared him. Once or twice, and he's reacted. It's not his fault." Niall explained and Liam sighed, his grip was tense on the bench from where Niall covered his mouth.

Dr. Stein just wrote some things on his clipboard. "I need you to give him something... to help him, and recommend a therapist. please."

Dr. Stein sighed softly and nodded, "I'll give him an evaluation and then I'll prescribe him anything he needs." he emphasised needs. Niall swallowed dryly.

"A-and I need something, to help with this." Niall couldn't help but ask as he pointed at his eye. Liam just looked at him.

"Niall." he sounded warning. "i'll throw it out." he whispered, not wanting anyone to know about Niall's little problem. He has more respect for his husband than allowing that to get out. Truly the only reason he told Maura was because he thought she'd help Niall. She'd give him support as he tried to get clean. He was way wrong.


Liam had to have a prescription for paliperidone filled and Niall just looked out the window. He's been doing so well, and he'd literally asked a professional to prescribe him something. "Lets go see a film. Date night remember?" Liam glanced at Niall and Niall just nodded.

"whatever you want darling..."

"Whatever I want? Well I want you to stop moping. You fixed your mistake Ni." Liam said softly and Niall just nodded.

"Okay... I'm not moping. I just... I can't believe I broke. It's been almost six god damn weeks, and I'm missing my baby and I just want him home and I want to be over this. My eye hurts, my head hurts. I just don't feel well."

"You don't feel well, because you're guilting yourself into not feeling well my dear." Liam whispered and Niall sighed.

"I guess I am."


A/N: sorry really short chapter but double update.

Liam's getting his problems sorted out and Niall's trying guys. He really is.

Comment in detail your thoughts please!

-Celly C.

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