Chapter 27

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~Not Edited~

Another almost two years passed before Liam asked Niall to marry him again. They'd set the wedding date for about a year and three months after that, so they could make sure they had all their little ducks in a row.

In those two years, they'd had another little boy, whom the called Cylie. Cy, Cy, and Cy, for all three names. Three months before the wedding, their first baby boy finally decided it was all too much for him. He was fourteen when they'd had to bury him. Niall shut down the first few months after that. he'd just sit and his and Liam's bed at the flat, and Liam would bring him breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that he'd just pick through.

Liam would kiss his head and Niall wouldn't move a muscle. He might mess on his phone for twenty minutes or so. or he might just stare at the lockscreen of his phone. His three babies all sitting on a bench at the park. Liam had literally had to pick Cyris up and set him on the bench, move his wheelchair out of the way. Cyson had sat beside him and they'd placed Cylie between them. Niall loved the picture.

He missed his baby boy so much. Cyson and Cylie hadn't seen much of their daddy in the months after their big brother left them to join the angels. So Cyson decided he'd make daddy breakfast one day, instead of papa. So he'd taken Niall breakfast and Niall just smiled at him.

Then he'd drug Cylie into Niall's room and sat him up on the bed so he could cuddle with daddy.


Louis came to see Niall after Cyris' passing. He needed his best friend, but he just couldn't pull the tears needed to grieve. He thought if he waited long enough, that Cyris would poke his head in the door and ask him to come out and be with the family. But he never did.

When Niall finally decided to get out and join the family, Liam smiled at him. Niall hadn't shaved in a few weeks, and Liam had washed him up using a wash cloth. Liam smiled and stood up, allowing Cylie and Cyson to play. He kissed Niall's forehead and he smiled a little. "How're you feeling?"

"Im better." Niall whispered. Liam nodded.

"do you want something to eat?" Liam asked and Niall shook his head.

"I just wanna sit and play with the boys for a while." Niall whispered and sat down to play with his kids. Liam sat down behind him, pulling his baby against his chest. Niall sat, a tiny smile pulling at his lips as Cylie showed him his different hot wheel cars, or his little toy soldiers.

Niall did laugh a bit, but it wasn't that same laugh he'd had no more than a few months before. Cylie had plopped himself down in Niall's lap, cuddling him by the time he'd gotten hungry. Cylie knew just as well as Cyson had that daddy's milk came from under his shirt, and he didn't like the yucky stuff papa gave him.

So he just pulled daddy's shirt collar out a bit, peeking his eyes over to see down his shirt where his milk was. Niall smiled a bit, pulling off his shirt, he'd lost a good ten or fifteen pounds. Cylie, let daddy lay him down in his arms, and he attached himself to where he knew the yummy stuff was.

Niall brushed back his baby's hair gently and Cyson smiled softly. "I love you." Liam whispered and Niall smiled a little.

"I love you too."


Cyson was in school, and Liam had gone back to work. Now that Niall was up and about, trying to relive everything he's missed. Cylie loved his daddy and his papa. He'd learned a few words, but nothing much more than 'hungry' 'tired' 'da' and 'pa' maybe he'd said 'no' and 'yes' once in a while. Niall wanted to spend all the time he could with his two baby boys.

He'd wasted a majority of his time with Cyris, by being high, or being sad, or just deciding he had time to spend on other things, rather than Cyris. Cyris was his angel now. He'd never get to see him grow up and get married, or have his grandbabies. He'd never see the young man Cyris would grow up into being.

"da!" Cylie whined, toddling over to where Niall was doing bills, and plopped down his little stuffed giraffe in Niall's lap. "tired." he whined again and rubbed his eyes, raising his arms for daddy to pick him up. Niall pulled him up into his lap and kissed his head.

"Cylie, love, daddy's doing something right now." Niall whispered. Cylie just whined and pushed daddy's face away so he could rest. Niall smiled and rubbed his back a bit as he signed the last of the papers, with his name, Niall J. Payne.


Niall and Liam were more involved with their children now. Cyson was really into his academics, he'd even skipped third year, going straight up to fourth year. They'd shown up, both of them, to every academic challenge meet he'd gone to with the big kids. Niall'd cheer every time he got a question correct and he'd just blush and shake his head. He wished the ground would swallow him whole.

Cylie would try to toddle up onstage to be with his brother, and Liam would have to squirm through parents trying to catch the little boy who seemingly slipped from his eyesight. He'd apologised to a dozen ladies, for accidentally brushing against their bums or their brea.sts. Reminding their husbands that he was gay and he wouldn't do it intentionally.

"Buh! Buh!" Cylie whined as Liam picked him up and Cylie made little grabby hands at his brother. Niall just laughed a bit along with the other parents, as Cyson was completely embarrassed. He loved his family, but they were SO embarrassing.

After the meet Niall and Liam took both of the boys out for cheesecake. Cyson loved cheesecake. It was wonderful and lovely and Cyson loved the attention. He looked so much like Niall. All except the little neck birthmark that Liam has and the light brown hair. Brown eyes, with flecks of blue. So much like Niall, Liam thought. Cylie looked identical to Niall, Liam thought that too. Niall would take up for that one, Cylie did look like him.

Liam and Niall had put their family back together, but with one less member.


A/N: [1,083 words]

): Cyris...

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-Celly Azad

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