Chapter 11

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~Not Edited~

Niall and Liam showed up around midday to Maura's home, where Cyris had been waiting by the window. "daddy! papa!" Niall could hear him shouting from inside. Niall waved to him and smiled. Cyris giggled loudly and waved back, Liam had a hand on Niall's lower back as he led him up to the door.

"Alright sweetheart," Liam kissed Niall's temple gently.

"Can we bring him home tonight?" Niall asked softly and Liam sighed giving his side a little squeeze.

"lets not talk about that right now." Liam whispered as Cyris jerked the door open giggling.

"Daddy!" He squealed wrapping his arms tightly around Niall's legs tightly.

"Cyris!" Niall smiled leaning down to pick him up, earning a little pinch on the bum from his husband that he only ignored for the sake of his little boy. He gave Cyris multiple kisses on the cheek and he just giggled snuggling close to his daddy.

"I missed you! It been lots of days."

"I know it's been lots of days sweetheart." Niall smiled and Cyris kissed his cheek. "Thank you love." he whispered and they made their way inside.


Maura had gotten tea for Niall as he sat down at the kitchen table, Cyris showing him everything's he's done in school that daddy's missed. Liam was just helping Maura in the kitchen. Maura loved Liam honestly, it's the only boyfriend Niall ever had and she loved how he had a good head on his shoulders. She loved him because she could honestly he loved her son.

"Babe, sugar?" Liam asked grabbing the sugar dish for Niall's tea. Niall shook his head as Cyris just sat on daddy's lap, talking away. "Sweetheart, why don't you and papa go play in the garden for a bit, so daddy and nan can talk." Liam smiled at Cyris and Cyris pouted looking at papa.

"Papa I miss daddy though." He frowned and Liam sighed. Niall smiled a little and tightened his arms around Cyris' waist. "I go home tonight?"

"I'm afraid not, you've gotta be papa's little solider a while longer alright?" Liam tapped Cyris' chin gently and smiled at him. "I know you can get through a few more weeks here with nan."

"I wanna go home!" Cyris whined and pouted. Liam sighed and Niall kissed his shoulder.

"Why don't you just go play with papa sweetheart," Niall kissed his cheek and smiled. Cyris just huffed climbing down from daddy's lap. He pouted at him as he took Liam's hand and Liam led him out into the yard.

"Liam's told me what's going on," Maura said softly sitting right across from Niall, them both just drinking their tea.

"He didn't have a right to tell you that." Niall whispered and just looked at her. "And you don't have a right to judge me on it either."

"No one's judging here." She continued. "I just think it will be in Cyris' best interest if he came to live with me permanently." she explained and Niall just looked at her funny.

"You can't take my baby away from me. I'm functioning, I'm fully able to take care of him."

"Niall." she looked at him, a frown on her features. "Liam has just gone through a war. He's got some issues of his own to deal with just as he has yours."

"What about me?" Niall was slightly offended. Maybe it was the fact she's always taken on more to Liam than himself, maybe it was the fact that she made sure to call Liam on his birthday, but she "forgot" Niall's birthday. Maybe it was just the plain fact that she was siding with Liam on this. Niall wasn't sure. "I have my own fucking issues to deal with, without wondering why he isnt there half the night, or why he sits up to cry. I have my own issues that I HAVE to figure out, and then I have to deal with you and Liam both wanting to take my son away from me. I have to deal with being behind on everything-"

"Maybe you wouldn't be behind if you would've paid for the things you needed instead of those pills." She shrugged simply, tipping her glass to her lips.

Niall stared at her. "You're serious?"

"I am."

He just stood up, sat his cup in the sink and walked out of the house. He wasn't going to sit there and let her say things like that to him, when he knows that's not what happened. He made sure to only buy from Harry where he KNEW they would be the cheapest and he knew Harry wouldn't make him pay right away. Sometimes he just gives them to him. Knowing he was in a rough spot. Harry's always been a good friend to him, he wasn't judgemental, and the fact that he use to do them himself, just made it easier for Niall to ask for them.


Cyris gave Niall the tightest hug he could and Niall gave him a little kiss on the top of the head. "I'll see you next week peanut." Niall whispered softly and Cyris just pouted at him.

"I wanna go home!"

"I know you do, but papa said you have to stay here for a little while longer." Niall mumbled and brushed back his hair. "Cmon, daddy will tuck you into bed." He whispered to Cyris. He hasn't spoken a word to his mother since she said what she did. Cyris just nodded and led Niall up the stairs. Niall helped him change and tucked him in whilst Liam was using the bathroom before they left.

"Goodnight Cy, we love you." Liam whispered from the door and Niall smiled a little kissing Cyris' forehead.

"Night Night little one." he smiled and Cyris smiled back. "I love you."

"Love daddy too."


A/N: A bit of a Short chapter

im sorry about that.

Mid terms are next week so im kind of busy, but after mid terms I wanna finish these

-English Love Affair

-Happy Little Pill

Focus on


Maybe write a chapter or two until breathe. is finished

-Find Me By The Ocean, Found You By The Sea


that's the game plan so.


Im spending the weekend with my bestfriend xD

Im going to her house after a family dinner tonight and then I won't be getting home until Sunday afternoon! So excited (:

comment your thoughts on the story pls

-Celly C.

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