Chapter 2

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~Not Edited~

"So you think Cyris is getting worst?" Louis asked softly sipping his tea. Niall had invited his high school best mate, Louis Malik, over with their two sons, Aali Anthony, and Aarya Javadd. Niall nodded some fixing his own cup and shook a few percocet's into his hand, taking them with his tea. Louis just nodded a little, "Your knee acting up again?" Niall nodded, he didn't want to lie to his best friend, but how could he just say 'no, I just really love to pop percocet's'

"Yeah," Niall said sitting down, the boys were all watching a film. "Cyris isn't doing the best, and It'd be great if we could get approved for his wheelchair now yknow?" Niall tapped his finger on the mug and sighed softly. "I've just got so many bills right now. Liam's cheque hasn't come in today and I've only got another week, to come up with some sort of money to pay the therapy fees. Apparently, Liam's medical insurance dropped us, as they haven't heard from their squad in so long..." Niall continued on, Louis just listening.

"Well, love." Louis stirred his sugar into his tea with a fork. "I'm sure Zayn and I could help out, Y'know. Until you get yourself situated enough to pay everything..." Louis offered and Niall shook his head a little. "I wanna help you out Ni, and Cyris needs that therapy, and the wheelchair and all."

Niall sighed. "I just... don't wanna have you help us and not be able to pay you back Lou, it'll ruin a friendship." Niall bit on his nail gently, he had no clue what he was going to do, but he had to do something. "and I haven't heard from Liam in forever and I just want to... I wanna know he's alright, and he's still breathing. I just want my son to have his Papa back, and I really want my husband home." Niall muttered rubbing his eyes.

Louis patted his back gently. "You know... when Zayn's away on his business trips and things, I really find it hard to function... but then I think of you and how okay you're raising Cyris, and how you've been doing it... and I just feel better. So many people would look up to you, if they knew what you're going through." Louis smiled and Niall just shook his head.

"That doesn't make me feel any better." Niall smiled a little and Louis pinched his cheek.

"Would you feel better if I were to tell you, I'm expecting?" Louis grinned and Niall just looked at him.

"Are you serious?" Niall smiled softly and Louis nodded. Niall pulled him into a tight hug.

"Lou! That's great! How far along are you?"

"Six weeks." Louis replied and sipped his tea. "When I told Zayn, he just got so happy. He was still in his underwear when he brought the boys in our room and sat them down. He let Aarya guess what was going on first and Aali just kinda rolled his eyes, as Zayn did the same thing when we were expecting Aarya." Louis chuckled softly. "They gave my tummy kisses, and Zayn was just... he was so happy."

"That's great Lou..." Niall smiled some. Louis saw Niall's face and knew he hit a nerve.

"Did you ever tell him about Charlie?" Louis asked and Niall shook his head. Charlie would've been Cyris' little brother, Niall had figured out he was pregnant about two months after Liam left for Germany. He didn't know what he had done wrong but he'd lost the baby, and Louis was the only one who knew about it. Niall had called the foetus Charlie, when he'd talked to it at night. About five months into his pregnancy he lost him. Therefore, He didn't feel the need to tell his husband any longer. "Why didn't you?"

"I don't need to." Niall whispered softly. "Charlie's gone, and I've got Cyris to worry about. Liam isn't even home enough for me to think about having anymore than Cyris. What if we had another, and she or he had some kind of health concern as well. Muscular Dystrophy is inherited somewhere, along the lines, either Liam or I have it in our family history. We have a high risk of all of our children having it, and we simply can't afford those medical bills..." Niall sighed. He wanted another, he really did. They just... If the next one they had, [if Liam came home] could have Muscular Dystrophy just like Cyris, and they can't afford Cyris' bills, let alone two kids with it.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked and Niall just nodded as Aarya poked his head around the corner.

"Daddy, Aali and Cyris wanna go swimmin'" he smiled, he was cute as could be for a six year old, just a few months older than Cyris. Louis and Zayn had Aali [he was eight.] back in high school. They still continued their schooling, it was hard on Louis, not as much Zayn. Louis cut acting for a while, and Zayn cut art, but they made some room in their schedules. Louis' passion was acting. He was great at it, could make it big if he wanted.

"Well I don't see a swimming pool, and we have to get home anyway." Louis gave Niall one last hug, and the boys all said their goodbyes before it was just Cyris, Niall and the thought of little baby Charlie in the house.


"Mum, I've told you, I don't have a problem." Niall mumbled finishing up the dishes from dinner.

"Niall, I was over yesterday, and I saw you take four. Four of them within the three hours I was there. Your knee can't be hurting THAT bad."

"Mum, I've had knee surgery on it, it's pretty bad." Niall bit his lip gently. "I haven't got a problem, are you serious? I've got Cyris to watch and Liam to try and get home, and I have to find a job to pay bills and I haven't got the time to sit here and take pills."

"Niall... Baby boy... you know what you're doing..."

"I do, and it's definitely not drugs." Niall muttered and his mother just sighed. "I love you," Niall whispered.

"I love you too, and I'll see you soon." Niall then hung up and glanced at the stairs where Cyris was getting ready for bed. He'd gotten a few bottles of Oxycodone and Roxicodone from his friend Harry, and a few of Harry's bitches anxiety pills. He was yet to try them out but he was sure they're probably better than his percocet's.

In fact Harry gave him this entire BOX, since Harry was trying to get clean himself, and Niall made no effort. In this box there were medicines like:





»Hydromorphone [as well as]


Of course Niall couldn't take them all at once, he saw that just as a death sentence. Maybe he could just take two Tramadol, and a couple of hours after take some Hydromorphone. He'd be fine. Cyris would be fine, and his mum would stop suspecting him of abusing percocets.

(A/N: [1,201 words]

So. Anyone seeing any patterns or things to be suspicious of yet?
I dont even know what to ramble about.

My homecoming was Saturday evening. It was fantastic. I loved it. It was so much fun and you should've seen all the couples. Ugh xD

Okay comment about the chapter please!

-Celly C.)

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