Chapter 14

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~Not Edited~

Niall and Liam decided to take Cyris out for the day. They'd both been doing well for the past week and they never spent time with their little boy as they tried to fix things. "I comin' home now?" Cyris asked from where he sat in the back and Niall sighed, glancing at Liam. He had a pout on his lips and Liam knew what he wanted. He just couldn't give  him that.

"Im afraid not buddy, just a few more weeks." Liam replied as he pulled into a little diner.

"but you say that last time." Cyris whined. "Just wanna go home!" he crossed his arms. "want daddy and papa, and want my bed, and want daddy's dinner. nan not good at cooking." he just kept listing off complaints and Niall continued just to look at Liam. Liam glanced at him and sighed.

"We can't Niall. I don't wanna hurt him." Liam whispered and Niall frowned.

"Please Liam. He's been away from us for over two months..."

"Niall. Do you want me to hit him?" Liam snapped and Niall flinched a little. "I already can't live with myself for hurting you. How do you think it's going to be if I hit my own fvcking child?"

Niall was silent as they got out of the car and walked into the diner, Cyris holding both of his daddies hands. "I get dessert too?" he asked.

"Of course you can have dessert." Liam chuckled helping him up into the booth.


Niall sat beside Cyris and Liam sat across from them, eating their hamburgers, and chicken nuggets. Cyris wasn't really that picky with what he ate, and he tried both daddy and papa's hamburgers and ate all of his chicken nuggets. "I have more?" Cyris asked and Liam chuckled.

"Nan not feeding you or something?" he chuckled and he did order him another bin of chicken nuggets, there were only ten.

"I not eat all my food papa, telled you." he giggled softly and frowned at his cup once he went to pick it up and Niall sighed.

"you can do it peanut." he rubbed his back some. It was getting worse and worse by the day and it killed Niall knowing that his son isnt going to survive adulthood. As children with Duchenne MD usually die in their mid to late twenties. Maybe that's the reason Niall started his addiction. Maybe it was the sheer thought of having to bury his baby whilst he was still young. Maybe it was just... not wanting to deal with his disease.

"I not do it daddy. You do it?" he asked sadly and Niall sighed, grabbing his cup. He brought it to him and kissed his head. He knew the case was abnormal, as children can usually pick up their own drinking glasses until they're in their late teens, early twenties.

"Is he alright?" Liam asked frowning. Niall had told him all about it, but he didn't know it was THIS bad.

"Yeah... He's okay." Niall said softly as Cyris swallowed and moved his hair out of his face. "You want some of daddy's burger until your nuggets get here?" Niall asked and Cyris nodded. Niall cutting the burger in half (of what was there) and handed a half to Cyris. He ate it himself slowly but that didn't stop Liam from just observing the little boy.

Liam left a perfectly happy little family, one that wasn't falling apart. One that could function properly. One with not a lot of stress. One where they could actually pay the bills. He came home to a family that was falling apart. His marriage was crumbling, Cyris was getting worse. Niall was cracking. He himself had his own issues. They couldn't afford their bills and Liam may just need to ask for help. Louis had offered to help them before, and he may just need to take him up on that. So they can get their house payment paid and they wouldn't have to worry about it for another month.


"Liam please." Niall whispered softly as they were sitting in the park, letting Cyris play. "he just wants to come home with us... his parents..." Niall sighed. "don't take the time we have with him away... please..." he sniffled some and Liam sighed himself, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"I don't want him to get hurt." Liam whispered softly and kissed the top of Niall's head.

"Ill talk to him. I wont take anything. I've been doing good. I swear. Just let my baby come home." he whispered and Liam just looked at him before nodding slightly.



"Yeah... we'll go get his stuff and we'll take him home." Liam gave in and Niall smiled just a bit wider.

"Cyris!" He shouted and Cyris glanced at him, along with another little boy he was playing with. "cmere sweetheart. we gotta get going." he said softly and Cyris said goodbye to the little boy before skipping over to his daddy.

"time to go?" he asked. Niall nodded.

"Yeah, it's time to go."

"I playing soldiers with Hayden though," he pouted and glanced at the boy. Liam frowned a bit and looked at his son.

"it's time to go Cyris." he stood up, walked over to the car and got in. Not giving Niall or Cyris a chance to respond. Honestly, now that he thinks about everything. He doesn't know why he played soldiers as a child. He knows the actual meaning of being a soldier. Everything that happens, he knows and he wishes he wouldn't have been as naive as he was when he was young. Signing right up after high school. He wishes he wouldn't have played it as a child. He's very proud. Proud of what he's done, what he's helped be accomplished.

but he'd never, ever, would have signed up if he knew what really was lying behind that door for him. He would have just... had his family with Niall. He wouldn't have been gone, and maybe things would have turned out different right now. "Liam get out of the car and tell me what's going on." Niall opened the drivers door. That was the first time Cyris ever saw Papa hurt daddy. He was so scared, daddy was pushed against the car and papa had a hand around his throat again.

"Don't fvcking open my door like that again, do you understand." Cyris just stood there and sniffled, almost crying. Niall nodded a little and gasped slightly as Liam's hand tightened.

"l-let go." he coughed. liam let go of his baby's throat and just looked at him before he shook his head.

"take Cyris back to your mums... I'll meet you at home." he said and he started his walk, shoving his hands in his pockets.


A/N: Guys, ptsd is a serious thing... like maybe some of you don't know what it's like idk but Kadie mentioned she does and my step dad has it and he refuses to be treated for it and it's a wild thing and horrible and they snap so easily and it just sigh....

imagine how Cyris feels guys. He just saw his father choke his other father...

comment your thoughts.

-Celly C.

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