Chapter 24

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~Not Edited~

After about two and a half months, Liam was home, and home for a good while. They all had a dinner that night, for Liam. He was getting some sort of award, is all Niall knew. He'd yet to talk to him about what happened with Harry. He would save that for after the award... Let him have his happy moment. Niall thought.

So Niall had to dress up, he'd worn these dark slacks and he put on a white dress shirt. He'd put on his converse though, not seeing how that would ruin his outfit, black and white, matched black and white didn't it? Liam had tied his little tie up for him and smiled, pecking his lips. "I love you." he whispered. Niall's stomach churned.

He loved him, loved him more than anything (besides his children), he just knows Liam wouldn't say that if he knew what he'd done. "I love you too."

"Are the boys ready?" Liam asked as Liam buttoned up his shirt. Niall shook his head a bit.

"I'll get them ready." Niall whispered, moving on to Cyris' room to see Cyris helping Cyson out of his clothes, trying to get him into the button up shirt so daddy didn't have as much work to do.

Niall smiled. "Cyris, babe, you get dressed. Daddy can get Cyson." Niall smiled and scooped up the toddler. Cyson just giggling.

"Daddy!" He squealed. Niall blew a little raspberry on his tummy and took him over to his room, getting him into his nice little dress pants, and buttoning up his shirt. "Not want to wear these."

"Well, we're going to see papa get an award, and we have to look nice." Niall kissed Cyson's nose and smiled at him. Cyson just pouted.



Niall stayed attached to Liam's hip for most of the night, one of the girls was running a little daycare in the back of the place, and Liam had given Cyson and Cyris all the rules of being good. Niall'd had a beer, Liam's arm wrapped around his waist as they talked and talked with a few of Liam's buddies. He'd only caught the one's name, Andy? he was pretty sure.

Liam had this little acceptance speech where he thanked everyone above and below him, and he thanked his mumma, and his dad. He also thanked Niall, and his babies. He'd said 'and thank you to my family, my two little boys, and my beautiful husband that got me through everything these past six years.' Niall had tears in his eyes then.

They'd had a few more drinks, and made out in the bathroom stall, both of them just a bit drunk. Niall'd sat on the toilet, careful not to get anything on him and he'd sucked Liam off as he stood there. He felt so guilty. His baby had given him his all, and he'd slept with another man whilst he was away.

After the bathroom "incident", Niall had met Liam's "boss". Saying he'd heard many stories about him, and that their kids were beautiful. Niall had only said thank you. Liam had smiled, thinking everything couldn't have been going better.


Niall had placed the little plaque by Liam's portrait on the mantle, and smiled some. He'd gotten the kids to bed and now him and Liam were just sharing lazy kisses, Niall pressed up against the hallway wall. "Liam." Niall pulled away, his voice laced with guilt and regret.

Liam frowned a bit, his eyebrows knotting together. "yeah?"

"we uhm... we have to talk." Niall sighed. Niall took a deep breath. "I uhh... i smoked some stuff with Harry... and we kinda uh-"

"You slept with him..." Niall heard his husbands heart break as he croaked out that sentence.

"I thought it was you! and I told him stop! I promise." Niall said quietly, trying to pick up the pieces to his baby's broken heart.

"That's not good enough Niall..." he whispered, pulling away from him. "You still slept with someone other than me."

"I-I didn't mean.... I didn't mean to." Niall whimpered.

"I'm going to bed." Liam said softly and moved up to their room, He'd crawled into bed and closed his eyes. Just wishing what he heard was a lie. He'd kept going for Niall, even when he just wanted out and away from this world. He kept going because Niall loved him, and Niall was waiting for him back home.

Now that love had been severed. If Niall truly loved him he wouldn't have cheated. Which made Liam more upset than anything.

Then he started to cry.


Cyson was the first one up in the house, and being almost two he'd figured out the childproof cabinet locks and he'd learned to climb up on the counter to get the cereal box. He'd just sit there on the counter and eat his cereal, straight out of the box. Liam had walked down the stairs after a while and saw him, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think you're doing mister?" he sniffled.

"I eatin' cos i hungry and daddy not waked to feed me." Cyson explained as if it was obvious. Liam chuckled and wiped his eyes a bit.

"Yeah? I'm sure daddy's got a bottle made for you in the fridge." Liam smiled, and went to grab a bottle, handing it to the toddler.

"Thank you!" He shouted as he just started to suck at his bottle, and raising his arms up so Liam would take him off the counter.

"No problem buddy." Liam said and settled him on his hip. "Where are your clothes?" Liam asked and smiled, wanting to hear that familiar phrase.

"Taked off silly!" Cyson giggled and laid his head on Liam's shoulder.

"You took them off?" Liam asked and Cyson nodded as Liam grabbed the remote. "Let's watch a bit of Spongebob yeah?"

"Yeah!" Cyson cheered.


A/N: [983 words]

So I hope this chapter is what you guys were looking for after that last one. A bit of Cyson and Papa fluff to help cheer Liam up yeah?

Comment what you think please? (I think this story will be ending at around 30 chapters so)

What do you think is gunna happen with Niam?

if Cyris is gunna get worse?

If anything is gunna happen to Cyson?

why Cyson is such a papa's boy?


-Celly Azad

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