Chapter 5

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~Not Edited~

Niall and Liam had been home together now for about two weeks. The only alone time they got was whilst Cyris was at school and they tried to take advantage of it, but all Liam got was "we've got bills that need sorted,"

like how many bills could Niall accumulate whilst he was gone? They weren't in debt and they had EVERYTHING paid off before he left. The house, the car, Cyris' hospital bills. Everything. Liam had sat down with Niall to go over the finances and saw that Cyris had about a dozen doctor's visit bills, a few lingering hospital bills, therapy fees and Niall even went to the clinic once. He suddenly felt horrible, his cheque was supposed to be coming home and paying for all of this stuff. Niall's said there's been several that haven't even made it home. He didn't know what was going on but they were about to be in some deep trouble if they didnt figure something out.

"How did we get all these?" Liam asked sighing. Niall looked at him and then back at the folder he keeps Cyris' medical records in.

"Our son has muscular dystrophy Liam. He's constantly at the doctors office, and your insurance dropped him and I, and we haven't been receiving your cheque, I dunno if they have not been sent or if something's happening in the mail, I've called about it and they said they'd check in the postal but I can't even function with most of this stuff..." he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Well I'll make a call to the insurance company tomorrow." Liam sighed and Niall nodded slightly.

"Are they gunna pay for his therapy bills or will we have to come up with money for that as well?" Niall asked softly and Liam shrugged rubbing his back.

"I dunno sweet." Liam kissed Niall on the top of the head and went quiet for a little bit. Niall's phone rang and he answered it with an exhausted sigh.


"Hello, is this Mister Niall Payne?" the voice asked and Niall glanced at the caller ID before continuing.

"Yes, how may I help you?" he mumbled.

"Im calling on regards on one Mister Cyris Payne." the woman's voice sounded sweet, Niall just sighed, his head already beginning to throb. "this is the headmaster at Cyris' school?"

"What has he done now?" Niall sighed softly rubbing his head.

"Im afraid Cyris, has exposed himself to a class of ten, after using the loo." the headmaster said. You could hear her frown. Niall rubbed his head and looked at Liam.

"Im sure he didnt mean to."

"Regardless Mister Payne." She continued. "You will have to come and pick him up. Everything else is being dealt with as we speak, just do not bring him back in until next week."

"Okay." Niall mumbled.

"Okay." and she hung up.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Liam asked rubbign hsi shoulders.

"Cyris' "exposed" himself in front of his class today, we have to go get him."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, im serious, can you just,,, go get him? Bring him back here and we'll deal with whatever it is he did," Niall mumbled and Liam nodded. He kissed Niall on the top of the head, got dressed, grabbed the keys.

"Babe, dont overthink that stuff, wait until I get home and we'll finish it." Liam said and Niall just nodded. Liam left and Niall waited until he heard the car pull out of the drive before he got up and fished out the tramadol bottle and stood over the sink, he took two but looked at the bottle before deciding on another.

He didnt stop until after he had just about six in his hand. Plus the two he already popped. Niall never in a million years thought he'd be at this stage, craving those moments his husband wasn't around. Craving those little spouts of alone time before Cyris would get up. Just to take something that was meant for a pain in his knee.

He took the six, two at a time. He tried sitting in a chair after a bit, but his head was just pounding. So he sat on the floor and leaned back against the counter.


Liam was upset when he went to pick up Cyris. Cyris was sitting in the headmasters office, his little head hung low as tears streamed down his cheeks. Liam sighed softly as he looked at him. Signed his papers and picked him up. "I not mean to papa." he whispered softly.

"Sweetheart," Liam sighed softly. "You can't do that."

"I just need help!" Cyris cried as Liam buckled him into the car. "I not button the button cos' my hand be weird." Cyris sniffled. "Papa, tell daddy I not mean to! I not do it." Cyris looked at Liam, knowing he was going to get in trouble with daddy.

"Cyris." Liam sighed softly, not sure how to really respond to his son. Cyris' brown eyes got watery and looked even bigger than they were. "Cyris, sweetheart... maybe we should start teaching you at home yeah?" Liam whispered, not wanting to have the incident occur again because honestly, Cyris didnt "mean" to do anything. He just needed help, and Niall usually helped him when his hands were being odd and constricted.

"Okay." Cyris sniffled and Liam began to drive him home. "Papa?" Cyris piped up after a while.

"Yeah Cyris?" Liam said softly glancing at him through the mirror. Niall picked out Cyris' name. Liam wanted it to be something along the lines of Trevor, or Troy. Cyris James though. It fit perfectly.

"C-Can we bring daddy ice cream? So he not be mad at me?"

Liam only smiled some, "Sure, we can take daddy ice cream."


Niall's head was killing him, and he felt close to passing out. "Honey, we're home." Liam shouted carrying Cyris in through the backdoor, where the kitchen was located. "Niall?" Liam glanced around and caught sight of his husband sitting in pain on the floor. "Cyris why dont you go grab a jacket sweetheart, we're gunna take daddy to the doctor."

Cyris ran off to get his jacket and Niall whimpered from where he was, he could barely some up the energy to open his eyes. He was literally so close to sleep, he felt like he wouldn't wake up if he did.


Once at the hospital, Niall had to have his stomach pumped. The doctor explained the whole thing and what caused Niall to have an "over dose" as they said, but really, he hadn't even passed out.

When Liam was allowed to see Niall, he was furious. Why would his husband do something as STUPID as this?

"Niall James Payne, you've got some explaining to do."


A/N: sorry for the tiny hiatus.

I'm kinda in a slump at the moment and not really motivated to update, since not very many of you are motivated to read, and comment.

When I see you're reading, and commenting it makes me happy and I write another chapter as quickly as possible, but when nothing happens the idea just becomes dead to me. I've thought a lot about closing my account as well.

Just, sigh.

I dunno yet, some of my friends are changing my mind to stay but that's a lot of weight to let sit on their shoulders.

-Celly C.

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