Chapter 6

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~Not Edited~

Niall just laid in bed, Cyris reading his book to him as he rested. "Cyris, why don't you go play for a little bit? Daddy and Papa need to talk." Liam said and Cyris pouted looking at him but nodded as he picked up his toys and went downstairs. It's been about a day since Niall got home, and they've yet to talk about anything.

Liam sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at Niall. Niall frowned and turned his back to Liam. "Now, you need to explain what happened to me." Liam reach over and rubbed Niall's back some. "I can't let you keep doing this, around Cyris, around me.." Liam started talking and Niall bit his lip.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying if we don't figure something out real quick, we're signing divorce papers. Ni baby, I love you and I can't bear to watch you do this to yourself, I can't let Cyris see you doing that shit." Liam frowned.

Niall flipped around quickly. He looked at him to make sure he was serious before he sniffled just a little. "Lili." He whispered. Liam sighed and slipped under the blanket with him. Liam kissed him on the head and rubbed his back softly.

"Just tell me why." Liam said softly and Niall sniffled taking a breath.

"Wh-when we started to not receive letters... m-my heart started b-breaking and I'd had medicine from my knee a-and I thought it-itd help the pain in my chest.

"Niall..." Liam sighed softly, knowing that to a degree, the cause was his fault. "You can't do this anymore, understand me?" Liam said softly and Niall nodded just a little. "No head nodding Ni, answer me." Liam said softly.

"okay." Niall whispered, there wasnt much force behind it but it was acceptable for Liam.


They all sat at the dinner table, Niall had a splitting headache. "Daddy? You okay?" Cyris asked, a mouth full of broccoli. Niall nodded a little rubbing his temples some. Liam looked at Niall and bit his lip gently.

"Daddy's fine Cyris." Liam said softly, and Niall took another bite of his hamburger. As they don't eat pork and rarely chicken, in the house. I mean, They haven't got specific rules to not eat it, just, they'd rather have beef. As it's hard for Cyris to digest any type of pork, ham, etc.

"Why daddy crying?" Cyris asked softly.

"Daddy's not crying, why don't you go get washed up and ready for bed." Liam suggested and Cyris pouted, crossing his arms.

"No, I wanna know!" He shouted.

"What did I say?" Liam gave him a look and his little eyes teared up before he huffed walking up the stairs. Niall looked at Liam and Liam looked at Niall. "Drink some water love, it'll help the headache." Liam squeezed his thigh and went to take Cyris' dinner up to him.

"Tell him to come back down here, eat with us." Niall insisted looking at his husband. He and Liam were already drifting apart because of the whole incident. He wasn't about to allow Liam, of all people, being gone for a majority of Cyris' life, take his son away from him. When all Niall's done was keep Cyris safe, keep medical bills paid, he's done it all for Cyris.


"I said get him back down here." Niall tried again and he looked a bit agitated this time around. So Liam did, he called Cyris back down and gave Niall a little kiss on the head and then they went about finishing their dinner.


"Liam please!" Niall pleaded as Liam took each and every pill bottle from the medicine cabinet out, and sat them on the counter. "Don't- Oh god, please Li. I swear, I'll get off of them. Just don't throw them out." Niall was almost in tears as Liam finished emptying out the cabinet. Liam couldn't bare to see his husband this way, he had to though. It was his job to keep him safe, no matter the cost. Liam opened each pill bottle, and dumped them down the toilet. One bottle at a time, and Niall was pulling at his hair at the sound of the little splash every time one of the pills hit the water.

Liam had emptied all of them, before he pulled a crying Niall into his embrace and just held him there. As tightly as he could, until Niall calmed down enough. He asked Niall to stay in their room whilst he finished throwing the rest of them out. Such as the ones in the lock box under the bed, the ones on top of the dresser as well as the ones in the side table. They all needed to be disposed of, and Niall was already shaken.

Niall insisted he watched which just made him more upset as Liam emptied the rest of the bottles. By the time they'd got into bed Niall was exhausted from crying and he had the most awful headache ever. "Li-Liam." Niall stuttered some wiggling his way closer to Liam.

"What is it sweetheart?"

"M-My head." He cried into Liam's chest softly. Liam sighed and just held Niall close to his body. Cyris was standing outside their bedroom door. Just listening to his daddy cry.

"Shh baby boy, you're going to wake Cyris." Liam whispered pressing kisses along Niall's sweaty hairline. It's almost been a full twenty-four hours without anything in his system. It felt like it was killing him slowly. Cyris sniffled from where he stood, he'd had another nightmare about Papa being gone and not coming home. Since he's heard daddy and Uncle Louis talk about it so much. He didn't even want to go into the room, he didn't wanna make daddy even more upset than he was. Then again, he always seemed to cheer daddy up.

He knocked on the door quietly and Liam sighed. "Go to bed Cyris!" he shouted. Niall coughed and sniffled.

"Don't, let him in." Niall made little gasps to catch his breath and sniffled wiping his face.

Liam got up and let Cyris in, so he climbed up in daddy's bed and snuggled close. "Daddy crying." he mumbled hiding his own tear stricken face against Niall's light green [one of Liam's uniform t shirts actually] shirt.

"Shhh, go to sleep prince." Niall whispered, and Liam begun to start wondering what the hell he came home to.


A/N: I know Liam seems harsh on Cyris, but you've got to realise Liam may not know "how" to deal with children, as Cyris was their first child, and he was the youngest of three. He's been gone for most of Cyris' childhood and when he was home he was DEFINITELY more strict on the little guy than Niall was. Even if the child has muscular dystrophy, he's gotta learn to be a "little soldier" as Liam will put it, he has to learn manners and such. It'll all be later explained, I just don't want you guys to think of Liam as a douche because all he's trying to do is help Niall and Cyris both.

Noooow I'm going into a little jump of writing as comments for this and Peter Pan both are amazing c: English Love Affair and FMBTOFYBTS may be on hold for a bit, I also have some new ideas I'm thinking of.

One is really happy.

One is in the middle.

One is downright depressing.

I think most of my stories fall under the last two xD

Comment what you think about Liam's parenting skills, as well as Niall's reaction throughout the chapter. Also say if you think Niall is gunna screw this up and they'll end up divorcing! I WANNA KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS, DOWN TO EVERY LAST DETAIL, SO I CAN UPDATE CHAPTERS FASTER!! Thanks xx

-Celly C.

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