chapter 20

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it was the third task for the tri-wizard tournament.

there was a maze and you had to get the the cup first to win.

harry and cedric were the first ones to go in. then it was viktor krum, then fleur delacoure. bill came to watch fleur today.

i could tell she was extra nervous. fleur and i weren't very close but we had talked before so i decided to talk to her before she went in.

"you have got this fleur! just because bill is watching, doesn't mean you aren't the a strong independent women. you can do it, i believe in you!" i say as i hug her and run off to find george because it was about to start and the band was quieting down.

i saw the hogwarts champions go in, the krum and then fleur. i could see bill yelling as fleur ran into the maze.

"i can tell bill and fleur love each other just as much as we love each other." i say to george. he nods his head in agreement. he'd been more quiet today. was he okay?

"george, sweetie are you feeling okay?" i ask him while feeling his forehead. "no fever, that's good." is he okay?

"sorry rach. i've just been feeling down today that's all." george says.

"oh i'm so sorry georgie. is there anything i could do for you? you can talk to me anytime." i say to him.

"i know" he replies "it's just that i'm worried about harry going in there. he's basically become a brother to me and it would break me to see him ever get hurt. i love harry just as much as i love ron or fred or ginny or anything of my other siblings."

wow. that must hurt him to basically see his "brother" going in there.

"george i'm so sorry. here, how about this. we picture cedric getting hurt instead of harry because cedric has always been a jerk to me and it would feel better to see him get hurt." i say to him hoping that would help him feel a bit better.

"okay, okay." he says back to me. he then hugs me so of course i hugged him back. i could hear him sniffing and trying to hold back his tears.

"george if you need to it's okay to cry. it's natural." i say.

he nods his head in agreement. he says "i know. i just don't want to in front of all the kids here."

i get that. i just let him keep hugging me until he felt like he could let go.

arthur was here to support harry because he was basically his son, too. he pulled me aside for a moment and asked "why was george hugging you for so long. he's usually not hugger. well, he's more of a hugger than fred is that as for sure but he also looked like he was crying for a second."

"he's scared about harry." i say and looked back at george, who was now having fun with fred and caught me and arthur staring at him so he waved.

"he said that harry has basically become his brother and to see him going in there and being able to get hurt broke his heart. i told him to imagine cedric getting hurt instead because he's so rude. that made him cheer up a bit so that's good." i say.

"that's very good. well, thank you so much." arthur replies.

"of course arthur." i say back to him.

"oh and rachel, i want you to know that george really does love you. he sends letters every week saying how much he loves you and how much you are perfect for him. i think that too. you're welcome anytime at the burrow. draco is too as well. he should know that. thank you so much for treating him so well. he really needs it." he says pulling me into a hug.

i hugged him back because he was one of the nicest men i have ever met.

"of course arthur. i love him too and i would never EVER hurt him, trust me." i walked back to where george was and he pulled me into a quick kiss.

"what was that all about?" george asks.

"oh nothing! don't worry about it it wasn't important at all" i say lying.

we watched the rest of the tournament and talked most of the time. we eventually say harry come back! yay!

but...who was next to-oh my gosh.

that was cedric. dead. laying right next to harry.

i heard fleur scream and the band stopped. bill ran down to see fleur and comfort her. i soon saw amos, cedrics dad who was sitting by arthur, run down the steps and yelling "that's my son! that's my boy!" it was heartbreaking.

i saw cho chang, cedrics girlfriend, crying into her friends shoulder. they really were a cute couple and cho was a very sweet, innocent girl but to see her boyfriend laying dead on the ground must've been heartbreaking for her.

i couldn't have imagined how she felt and thinking of how she felt, started to make me cry.

"why are you crying, love? i thought you and cedric hated each other." george says to me, confused.

"i do, i really do. but seeing cho crying like that about her boyfriend, i couldn't imagine how it would feel to see my boyfriend dead laying in the floor in front of me. i couldn't, i just couldn't." i say to george.

i was hyper ventilating and couldn't breath anymore.

"how could this have even happened?" i said to george while he bridal style carried me back to the castle.

"well, knowing harry's luck with he-who-must-not-be-named, it probably had to be something to do with him." george says.

he's probably right. oh no if he was back, he could kill everyone i loved. i can't let that happen!

was father there if voldemort was there tonight, i wonder in my head.

george carried me back to his dorm room. we both embraced each other into our arms, crying over the fact of one of them dying.

fred and emma came in crying too, and knowing that they were feeling the same way as us, we let them be with us and all cry together.

we were all on the ground sobbing in our tears for an hour. our clothes were soaked from our tears and we all ended up falling asleep for an hour or so until lee jordan came in and told us we had to head back because it was getting late.

george walked me back to my dorm, both exhausted from crying.

"i love you george" i say as i head back to my dorm.

"i love you too rachel." he says back.

i start to walk away until i feel his hand grab my wrist and he pulls me into a deep kiss. after he kissed me, we hugged each other for about a minute and then i did need to go back.

i sunk into my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

authors note: this was a super sad chapter but i thought that it needed something a bit sad!!

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