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"Grabbed my hand, pushed me down."


Changbin stared blankly at the mirror in front of him in the interrogation room at the police station.
Changbin isn't stupid. He's seen enough police shows to know that officers are watching him from the other side, so he smiles and waves.

He's also smart enough to know that Felix will not be happy if he ever gets Changbin back into his clutches.

They are going to catch him. I will be okay. I'm free.

Keeps telling yourself that. Felix would never hurt you.

Changbin shuts his eyes tightly.

He loves you.

Changbin shifts anxiously in his seat, the chair cold on his back.

You shouldn't have left.

Changbin sniffles, tapping his fingers on the metal table.

What's taking the officers so long?

Felix was just protecting you.

He loves you.

Felix is the only one that loves you. You were better off there.

"Seo Changbin. Correct?"

Finally the door opens and two officers walk in. Changbin sighs in relief and shoots them a smile and nod.
The officers are both very attractive, one male and one female.

"Hello Changbin, I'm Officer Kim, and this is Officer Chae. We're going to need to ask you some questions, alright?" The girl says, a nice smile on her face.
Changbin nods slowly.


"Well, Mr Seo. Do you know how long you have been with your kidnapper?" Officer Chae asks.

Changbin shakes his head.

Officer Chae hums.
"You've been missing for about three months. Next question. Has your kidnapper ever verbally or physically abused or hurt you?"

Changbin hums, shaking his head.
"I mean. Sometimes he would grab my arm too tight, or he would raise his voice a little bit. But after he realized what he was doing he would apologize and kiss it better. But it'd only happen when I'd misbehave."

The officers make eye contact with eachother.

"Okay.. Did your kidnapper ever make any physical advances on you?" Officer Kim asks.

Changbin shakes his head quickly.
"No no. He never did anything like that."

The officers nodded.

"Was there anyone else that were in the place you were kept in? Any accomplices?" Officer Chae asked.

"No, it was just him."

Why are you lying?

"Okay. Mr Seo, I hope you understand that we are here to help you. We will catch your kidnapper. We promise, you are safe here. Your free."

I'm free.

I'm safe.

But for how much longer?



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